lol it’s not russian trolls it’s disney getting bucketloads of free promotion for their movie.
“based on the description above,”
Her press is always crazy, she was basically saying the same things about Visions back when Art Angels came out. She’s a car crash and I love her to death.
bro nobody’s gonna read that.
Basically, anyone who saw the trailer and thought the A.V. Club might write a semi-normal “It looks like a fun kids movie” reaction article… really should’ve known better.
The guy who made Avatar and then stayed completely silent throughout the Dakota Access Pipeline protests in 2016 takes issue with Aquaman’s lack of environmental commentary.
All of those rumors came from Starburst Magazine and the fansite Outpost Skaro, neither of which should be presumed reliable in any way. The only publication with any history of getting Doctor Who rumors right is the Mirror.
Here’s the tweet, btw, from not long after the song came out.
It’s been changed to illusive which is STILL WRONG I’m losing my mind.
True... it’s the bridge outside the main entrance. Would’ve been a lot more efficient to just apparate inside if it were possible.
i am... positive i’ve read this comment before. like months ago? am i wrong? seems like you comment a lot so i’m not gonna scroll all the way back through your history.
Here’s my cunning investigative journalism: Neil Gaiman denied this and said most of the article was fiction. Kinja won’t let me embed the tweet but it’s on Twitter.
You know, what would’ve been good would’ve been the Johnny Cash cover of Hurt.
Denny’s Tumblr, and their Twitter to a lesser extent, has been on some weird mix of snark/surrealist humor for actual years now.
Scrolling back through Moonpie’s tweets is a genuinely hilarious experience that makes my day better and I really just wish the AV Club would fucking chill and let social media workers who are actually doing a pretty good job like, live their lives.
I don’t want to sound too extreme here but maybe we could like, watch it first.
I don’t know who either of these people are.
The notion that what he said was taken “out of context” or that he was “playing along with Howard’s insinuation” is kind of absurd, having actually listened to the thing.