
Hey guys I’m not necessarily saying we shouldn’t keep making shows and movies glorifying gun violence but maybe if you’re gonna make them, you should be prepared for them to line up with some of the darker realities of American society? Instead of just hoping that you’ll always be able to time their release and

It was good.

The episode didn’t make that clear. It’s an assumption based on very little concrete information. We know that Cooper asked MIKE to create a new seed. We know that Cooper told Janey-E and Sonny Jim that he’d be back, at first phrasing it, “Dougie... will be back,” after making it clear that he had a great deal of love

Yeah, there’s a lot of people assuming he’s obviously creating the new copy to send home to Janey-E and Sonny Jim, but I really don’t think that’s the case. I think the real payoff to the Vegas arc, rather than just the meta-narrative of making us as an audience wait for Dale, is that he’s actually found the family

if this comment where i joke about my mild confused disappointment at an article title is the edgiest i get on the internet i think i’m pretty safe

kinja is good what the fuck is up

anyways i have all clown screenings of movies alone in my apartment every night.

Oh, I thought this meant an all clown screening of Wonder Woman, as in now all the people that complained about the women’s screenings of the movie can have their own exclusive screening, because like, those dudes are all fuckin clowns, right? That woulda been good.

I totally understand that notion but here is my argument against it: Nolan is annoying and I disagree with whatever he says.

For that Batman, yeah. Bruce Wayne’s story was done, but TDKR ended with a tease that Gordon-Levitt’s character could take up the mantle.

Literally just because it’s different from Marvel, there is no other logical reason.

Eh, I’d call that a bad move on their part then, believing that audiences won’t line up unless it’s to see Bruce Wayne. Keeping Gordon-Levitt around and going for something Batman Beyond-esque with him would’ve been a way more interesting move than just rebooting Bruce Wayne again, and I don’t think it would’ve been

I don’t know anything about what actually happened behind the scenes with this, but just looking at the movies, why would they need him? The ending of the Dark Knight Rises left things pretty open to continue without him. You’re not gonna tell me Joseph Gordon-Levitt said no to that sweet sweet Nightwing money, right?

Yeah, I kind of appreciated that they were making an effort to not be exactly the same as Marvel, but I wouldn’t really have cared whether or not their approach was unique if they had just focused on making actually good movies.

Hi GalvaTron Guy,

You can just go with the standard command+i for italics, command+b for bold.

Does anyone have any insight into how the pending/approval system actually works or do half my comments just get to sit in purgatory forever?

I just re-read the main article and it says that comments will start migrating over tomorrow. I was then delighted to find that I can’t delete this comment. I can edit it but I can’t delete it. It lives here now.

SO, are the old comments eventually gonna migrate over here or naw?