
This is funny but it seems inconsiderate that you're commenting here and giving a eulogy at the same time.

North Korea hurry the fuck up

I mean, her line is "Dr. Jacoby! Can I call you Dr. Amp?"

Yeah, that one interpretation of Mulholland Drive has become the standard for discussion, but it's pretty limiting and not reflective of how open to interpretation the film actually is.

The Bang Bang sign was on the bar in the original series and FWWM. We just didn't see it as often, and it's only ever referred to in dialogue as the Roadhouse.

It's likely she doesn't actually remember those events, plus it sounds like they haven't had any interaction in quite a long time (pre-Dr. Amp).

I think it would've worked better if the conversation didn't take up almost the entire last episode.

For me it was (and I still have to go back and make sure this was the line), "Who died and made you mayor of king shit mountain?"

If your wish is too big they shoot you then and there.

Sometimes you just gotta find a word with the right rhythm and hope no one thinks too much about what you're actually trying to say.

This man… burned so bright and so beautiful in the week we spent with him. He was a shooting star. He couldn't be tamed, or even constrained.
July 31, 2017. God I miss Anthony Scaramucci.

I wouldn't dream of disputing any of that, but again, it doesn't contradict anything I'm saying or make any of it it less likely.

Also, it's clear now from multiple scenes that Richard wants the Hornes' money and doesn't have any moral or social boundaries around how he gets it.

I'm an occam's razor kinda guy, but Lynch and Frost definitely don't shy away from including red herrings in their writing.
Also, just to clarify. I don't necessarily think Donna is MORE likely to be Richard's mother, I just strongly believe the theory shouldn't be discounted.

I disagree with most of this. It's not really clear that Sylvia's his biological grandmother. Yes, he called her grandma, but in my own life the person I call grandma isn't my biological grandmother. She's my grandfather's wife. And the stuff about how most of Twin Peaks wouldn't know and it would be kept on the

We don't even know for sure that she's Richard's mother. Obviously it seems implied, but it's odd that it hasn't yet been stated outright. I think the theory that he could be Donna's son really holds some weight (maybe taking on the Horne name in hopes of putting himself closer to Ben's fortune).

Coop said Earle taught him everything he knows about the law. From his descriptions of their work together, it sounded like it was all pre-Blue Rose. Coop, like Tammy, had probably been in the FBI a while before he became a Blue Rose agent.

Try the r/twinpeaks subreddit. I made a reddit account for that alone and it's been pretty great.

Confirms my theory that not only is Trump unable to read, but has in fact been blind this entire time.