
It was honestly really fun and funny and kind of sweet, it just wasn't anything special in terms of the main conflict/villain. It's just a fairly solid, lighthearted and low-stakes hour of Doctor Who.

WeLcOmE tO mY tWiStEd MiNd

I mean, it could be, but it's not really necessary given that if the whole Moffat era was already spent showing us multiple cross-racial/cross-gender regenerations by other Time Lords and making it clear that these things are always possible.

The episode itself clearly stated "a whole new regeneration cycle," but since then there have been a couple references to not being sure how many regenerations the Doctor has now.

I mean, maybe. I honestly have no idea what he's saying.

The thirteen regenerations rule was circumvented four years ago. The Doctor is in a new regeneration cycle now.

I essentially agree with this, but on another level you basically just said, "Funny how the people who always find 'new evidence' are the people who have dedicated their lives to searching for new evidence. Seems fishy to me."

"had to play"

If rumors are true, this year's Christmas special.

Yeah, I followed the Twitter fallout too. Doesn't really change the nature of the original comment.

She didn't "berate" a black woman. She tried to change to subject to avoid a question, and then said, "I don’t make a film to tell you a message." Good answer? No. But "huge racist"? No. Don't be inflammatory just to snag some upvotes.

I agree. I was getting frustrated with the Dougie stuff because I was so focused on wanting Cooper back (he's one of my favorite characters of all time), but some time during last week's episode I had to stop and realize that this story was being told for a reason, not just to delay Coop's triumphant return. The

I totally love her performance, whether it's definable as good or bad, intentional or unintentional, I don't really care. It's exhausting seeing everybody complaining about it so much, as if she's the only thing in the show that's somehow off-kilter. She's cool, she's likable, and like you said, she fits into the

The Pool Guy presents The Hard Facts about why a surrealist TV show is not as good as you think it is and also fuck you.

Don't rely on IMDb for this one. I see people complaining after every episode about being misled by IMDb as to who would and wouldn't be in it.


I mean, I laughed out loud at this headline and can't really stop laughing at how none of these dudes can seem to make it through a single conversation without saying or doing some headline-worthy blatantly sexist shit. I mean, how can it POSSIBLY be this hard to just fake not being totally awful for twenty minutes at

I've eaten hush puppies once in my life when I was very tiny and don't know why I've never gone back for more. They're absolutely ideal.

This always happens to me but it's fine because I'm a heathen who likes eating straight-up fried batter with nothing inside.

*googles "kurt eichenwald tentacle porn"*
*is shocked to see a news story*