
I'm not sure it's a wise idea to let them be cops either.

1. Commenting on a story how you aggressively don't give a shit about the story is a bad and tired look.
2. Not everything is a distraction. Trump is a reality television star who never mentally moved past the seventh grade. The fact that he's doing a shit job at being president at the same time as constantly starting

Um, nope.

I can never stand watching the show on BBCA. I only ever watch on TV when I'm at my relatives' house every year for the Christmas special, and the sheer amount of commercials they insist on squeezing into a show that isn't designed for commercial interruption makes it more or less unbearable.

I want it to be 9 p.m. so I can get off work and eat some fucking dinner am I right fellas?

Yeah, but it was also just an uneventful episode for Better Call Saul, especially after what preceded it.

I really like Frank Truman so far. It seems like Forster is still playing the straight man, but in a different way than Ontkean. It's not so much his reaction to the plot itself, but in his sort of immunity to the bizarre atmosphere of the show. It's like he knows when a shot or a gag is going on for an unreasonably

I've gotta say I really love her over-the-top/vamping performance so far, but it may just be because her voice is like, a real thing for me.

Coma Toast is a really great term that I'm absolutely using from now on though.

The episode 1 murder has been one of my favorite bits so far. I found it really disturbing in a great way, and it definitely didn't take me out of it.

Sharon may not even be a musical performance, though. The last interview I read with her, she said she was going to focus on acting for a while. Plus, a lot of people assumed Chrysta Bell was just going to be there for a musical performance and that's not the case.

I forgot to bring this up yesterday but the Mount Rushmore scene in the car absolutely killed me.
"There they are, Albert. Faces of stone."

This might just be a different way of saying the same thing, but the way I see it is Evil Coop/Bob created Dougie as a replacement for himself, so that when the 25 years were up and it was time to return to the Black Lodge, Dougie would go back in his place, and Evil Coop could stick around in our world. Real Coop

What's Dances With Wolves?

Mercifully, future rereleases will return the movie to its original working title, Dances With Spacewolves.

She totally is and I love it and want more.

My understanding right now is that Bob/Evil Coop created Dougie to return to the lodge in his place at the end of the 25 years. That would be the plan he refers to in the first (or second) ep.

"the only man ever to have sold the papacy"

Del Toro was pretty much non-stop emphasizing that Crimson Peak wasn't a horror movie in the months leading up to its release. Sadly I still haven't seen it so I can't really argue either way.