
All these people defending the sacredness of cinema and "the capacity of the hypnosis of the large screen" clearly haven't been in a public movie theater since at least 2011. It's a lot easier to get hypnotized by my 40 inch TV at home than by sitting in a room with twenty teenagers' glowing phone screens and a ten


Can we please not do anymore GJI's about pregnancy fetish art.

Or something like that!

bad post OP

You pose that like it's some kind of philosophical question and it's not actually a pretty simple thing to lay out the differences between realistic and unrealistic policy ideas.

I thought the first couple shots were an ad before the actual trailer and then I remembered that that's just how Zach Snyder movies look.

"Cheadle is the only racist I see! A disgraceful leftist vermin who is willing to commit most vile despicable sin and allege racism in the name of politics."
-Allan Nichols

Nazism is provocation.

If you think that 99% of the male population has been guilty of sexual harassment at some point then I have some bad news for you about yourself.

I'm so inspired by all the brave men willing to play devil's advocate on this issue.

Panic! At The Disco's Vices and Virtues, though I admittedly haven't listened to the whole thing. I haven't heard a single song from them that's interested me since "New Perspective". Also New Glow by Matt & Kim, though that may have been more about me just growing out of Matt & Kim, seeing as I haven't really

It's kind of telling that the only quote used here includes the phrase "if I were black".

He's called Cos Dashit because he causes da shit. It's that simple.

The wild jump from the first comment to this response reminds of that episode of Always Sunny where Mac is in the therapists office and he goes, "Oh. I get it. Cute. You leave this pen here and people are supposed to think, 'Wait, that looks like a dick.'"

I hit other and said "ohhhhhh my god. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god. holy shit, ohhhh my god."

This Bob Ross gimmick account sucks.

What does it reveal? It reveals that at some point Donald Trump saw a "Best Movies" list on the internet. I'd put a few dollars down on him never having actually seen the movie.

I should probably listen before I leave this comment, but no, so: If you determine an average (mean) value from already opened presents, won't there always be a stealable gift above that average value, because that's how averaging works?