
LNDN DRGS' album Aktive came out last year and it rules. I haven't read the rest of the list yet but I assume I'm not gonna come across anything else I've heard of so that's pretty much my whole commentary.

It's just about knowing what distance you need to be from your target. You learn by counting your steps, and then just get a natural feel for it. For me, it's something like six steps to stick it in one rotation, twelve steps to stick it in two, and I'm too weak to attempt anything beyond that.

I haven't been a big fan of this meme so far but seeing how mad it makes everyone here just makes me want to fully embrace it.

My voting station is Benjamin Harrison's old house, which I live next door to and find extremely cool.

"lousy Coven season"?
Honestly it was the only good season other than Murder House.

You just gal-pal'd this relationship so hard I feel concussed.

Upvoted for all of this but mostly that last point about it being simulations all the way down, because I love the idea of us finally escaping our simulation and making it through to the Real World, only to immediately have someone say, "Hey… Hey, wait a minute here."

I think it's cool that you left this comment without watching even a little bit of the video. Like, really, because I watched a lot of it and I have no idea why and I really regret spending eight minutes on it.

so are you like, a fashion enthusiast then?

I just said this on Facebook but I'll also say it here. This reminds of a quote from a Variety article on The Walking Dead that I saw posted on Tumblr recently.

No one in this little thread seems like any fun at all.

Apple music as a streaming service used in conjunction with iTunes is a mess. iTunes as a program, though, is about as good as it gets for organizing and playing mp3s. Easy to edit track and album info within the program and immediately have it reflected in the files themselves, plays a lot of formats, sounds good,

Yeah, at least half the times that the album was supposedly supposed to come out, the info came from some mysterious outside source, and then Frank took all the blame for not coming through. I mean, he's still been frustrating with the times he's actually teased a release, but the anger from a lot of people has been

I'm convinced that I'm personally responsible for this after getting into a dumb argument with a guy on who went on to delete all his comments on an article about HAIM.…

"thinly veiled slut-shaming article."
Feminist of the year over here.

The Russo brothers have been saying for some time that the stories are mostly separate and the two films would be getting name changes at some point, as "Part 1" and "Part 2" were misleading. The only thing that seems odd about this is that Part 1 is getting the Infinity War subtitle instead of Part 2. I wouldn't be

Look, since we're apparently going to do this, let me say that it's honestly not that difficult, and never was, to say you're not very excited about this movie without being called a misogynist. Source: I did it. I thought the trailers didn't look very good and I said as much. No one called me sexist. You know what I

The representation-related stuff in this article was pretty much all secondary to just talking about the performances of the cast and Paul Feig as a director. Also, the thing's got a 74% on Rotten Tomatoes. It's positive overall, but I don't see how that's remotely indicative that any critics are afraid of "going

This is great and all but this conversation has been had a thousand times over and doesn't actually have much to do with the content of this article. People just want to talk about the movie itself at this point.
Continuing to drag the conversation back to "I promise I'm really really not a misogynist" doesn't do you

I think it's a fair move given that the original series never clearly stated Sulu's sexuality and he'll still have a daughter in Beyond, but the fact that George Takei apparently objected to this before it happened and then they still went ahead with it, and even framed it as an homage to Takei, is kind of awful.