
I’m looking forward to having a hearty laugh at the 15 second sight gag based on “Planet of no stop signs” three or four years from now.

So they are just going to skip season 4? Unconventional, but I like it.

So Harmon is talking about Season 5, but the article seems to suggest he is referring to Season 4, which is the one slated for November? Which kind of makes sense, since Season 4 has already been written and, only due to the 70 episode order, the writers are just pushing through on working on the next season.

John Wick’s gonna be pissed. Lock up your knife museums.

This is my dream come true. When I was in first grade, I remember reading about the existence of New Coke in an old issue of 3-2-1 CONTACT magazine and I decided that I needed to try it. This would have been 1991 or 1992.

Come on now, this is subtext 101. Drogon’s flames melting down the Iron Throne clearly represented the endless hot takes aimed at the show by an army of overworked, click-hungry pop culture commentators.

Finally, a film that asks the question, “If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?”

Now playing

if they get Hardy and Bale to go at it with their funny voice duet again.

As an anthropomorphic cartoon pony, I’m not sure you used anthropomorphic correctly.  

Posting as “squirtloaf” could only help Uwe Boll at this point

Pseudonyms can’t save you, Uwe Boll.

Yeah, he has every right to be salty about the whole thing so it’s very refreshing to see him be so reflective and accept all of the blame. Because let’s be honest, that interview could have just been him saying “Fuck Mike Cernovich and the disingenuous alt-right with a Power Stone-infused dildo” and it would have

None of this sounds like a problem that a giant bag of weed won’t solve.

Maybe. What’s far more likely is Disney is going to act like they’re going to start billing for air, and we’ll spend the next 2 years debating whether they actually have the right to claim ownership of the air.  Somehow, we’ll be divided on this topic as well. 

I am just going to sign up for the free 14 day trial and then cancel.  Should be plenty of time to get my affairs in order.  I do love gaming the system.

Ok. Look up “George RR Martin” interviews in the search bar on Youtube. You can just copy that and paste it in: Then wade through 50 hours or so (what I have seen) and you should find it.

How does “the actors wanted to move on” invalidate any of that?

Drogon never had a better day.

Something that I like *so much* about the Wick films vs Ultraviolet or Equilibrium is how much damage John himself takes. The gunkata of the above-mentioned movies is sort of fun to watch but ultimately feels empty because Jovovich and Bale walk away too clean. John gets the ever-loving shit kicked out of him. The