
[Conan] references a night when he, Jay Leno, and David Letterman all made the exact same Dane Quayle joke and “no one sued anyone”

If Sean O’Neal had written the same article and made the same joke, you’d all be pissing your too-tight pants over it.

“Whomsoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” This is what Odin says when he casts Thor out in the original film, so it holds that if you have the hammer you have Thor’s powers, including lightning magic.

Seeing the linked article “Rape of Thronesfrom 2014, I can’t believe how long this show’s rapeyness has been part of the cultural conversation.

I’m on board with the multiverse because I want that to be how they introduce and use the X-Men.

Happy Hogan as a Spider-Man supporting character? Yeah. I’m on board with that.

I’d assume the whole gang was very conveniently dusted. Thus, they haven’t aged for the last 5 years. I’m guessing the movie might deal with it a little, but who really knows?

I’m now regrettably forced to agree with a certified sex creep on something - a guillotine would be more humane, by almost any measure. It would certainly be more reliable and less painful for the victims. A vast improvement.

In your honor sir, I make the "Chewbacca Soouunndd!!!" RIP😥

An interesting thing about this show is that Chicago is like  one of the main characters

Hey Reid? Wanna to permanently ban -dremilioilizarrdo please? Literally trolling to try and spoil End Game for everyone. Pro tip no one read the greys. Although it's easy to see if he's in there because it'll make the display look wonky. 

damn. i’m so sorry, sometimes i forget that i’m the only one with access to google dot com. foh.

Doesn’t look like anything to me.

Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I’ll tell you how there’s a killing machine clone of me out there

I thought he was just happy to have a 1:1 fist fight that was a little challenging.

That’s what I love about these mutants, man.  I get older, they stay the same age.

“Sometimes I can eat a whole pizza while watching Marie Kondo and I feel gross afterwards, but pizza tastes so good.”

“When I lose control bad things happen, but it feels good.”

“You know, I’ve noticed that people really like tits...”

I can't remember the last decade I used both hands on the wheel to steer.