
Good job, Satanists. I hope it’s enough to buy all of your members a new pair of baggy bondage pants. 

Any one else bummed that we are not getting a new Star Wars movie this Christmas. It sorta was starting to become a thing. They should have delayed Solo till December and push Episode XI to next Christmas.

Just don’t call it a comeback.

Blïñk-⅛² and it’s pronounced as - Nguyen.

The message got seriously lost here, starting as a critique of harsh warehouse working conditions and ending somewhere around “the system knows best, bureaucrats just want to help, it’s those outside agitators who mess everything up.”  I’m trying to think of the last Doctor Who where the message got this muddled

Totally agreed. The takeaway from this episode was just... yikes. Corporate bootlicker propaganda through-and-through, which I definitely didn’t expect from a season that has (up to this point at least) tackled these sorts of social issues pretty tastefully.

Yeah, I’m with you here. The episode went so far to set up Kerblam as a creepy corporate dystopia that the “never mind, they’re fine and it was all just this one guy” ending felt like a major cop-out. It felt especially weird that the Doctor was willing to ignore that the System deliberately murdered Kira to make a

For me that was what brought it down entirely. I was enjoying much of the same things as you - the guest characters, the mystery plot, the improved pacing - but the episode’s desire to end with a message and then to get that message completely dead wrong left a nasty aftertaste. Inaction seems to be a theme of the

“The systems aren’t the problem. How people use and exploit the systems, that’s the problem.”

This episode plays like a fun house mirror version of The Robots of Death. Both feature radicals setting robots against their fellow humans, but this time the cause is the rights of the human workers rather than the artificial

It’s an interesting theory, but you need to account for Mindy St. Claire. She’s pretty far from any concept of “best point-getters” (unless snorting coke is a shortcut to earning mega points), yet an entire Medium Place is created just for her. It seems established enough that she’s not a demon — and if the Medium

So, me have theory, and stop reading now if you not want spoiler for thing that probably not real part of show and me just made up.

“ One can be called Scouts A and the other can be Scouts 1"

I appreciate you.

After what he went through, I’d be happy with 90 minutes of Jesse relaxing on a beach sipping mai tai’s with an attractive companion

Still though, these past few episodes have just made me remember how much more she was being given on The Mick.

Seemed to me like they tried to shoehorn Mac into Dennis’s role in this episode and it simply doesn’t work. It’s too out of character for Mac. It reminded me of when The Office tried to write Andy Bernard as Michael Scott in the late seasons.

As a huge Eagles fan, and life-long Philadelphia resident I appreciated this episode because it was obviously speaking directly to me. As far as an episode of the show goes, it was definitely one of the weaker ones in the series. 

I preferred the vibe of the show when they were awful people doing awful things, and the writers didn’t dumb it down so that it was made PAINFULLY clear, you are supposed to laugh at this but not AGREE with it. I loved how the show didn’t talk down to the audience, but this season it’s been relying on low hanging

The fatalistic pre-defeat when Brady had the ball with 58 seconds left rang far too true for me. Even watching this ep I was still nervous that Gronk was going to catch that hail mary and I would wake up from this dream. I really still cannot believe they won. I had a 3-month old baby that i was trying to keep quiet

Calm down, nerd

Once again I find myself disagreeing with the review, it wasn’t one of the show’s best and the first half was a little too plot heavy, but everything it set up paid off beautifully in the second half - I’ve written another review of the show, which can be found here if anyone’s interested - https://comedytowatch.wordpr