
came here for this.   looks like plenty of room to react to something if you are at all paying attention

Trigger warning to Tesla stans:

John Larroquette cannot die. He just becomes more distinguished. 

Not a fan of Ariana Grande and don’t play Fortnite, but that looked legitimately awesome.


Based on your responses here I really doubt you offered up this information in a friendly way. You also blame mods on a sub-reddit for your own failure to read the rules which are always in the same place in every sub-reddit. You seem to think that you’re allowed to say whatever you want, however you want, and the

I hope in your next life you’re a community mod

They didn’t lose their lives. They were KILLED.

It’s almost as if they might have had a life and possessions before they became homeless! How dare they!

Yes, because a regular plug-in drip machine would make more sense in an encampment. Maybe a Keurig? Or a 7$ Venti Frappuccino?

You nailed ‘em.  If only they didn’t have a $10 French press, they’d be able to afford the tens of thousands of dollars per year it costs to pay for housing.  Oh, and can’t think of any reason, besides being a “hipster” why a person without a home might have a French press instead of, like, a fucking Keurig.

A reply to the assclown in the grey who asks if all of the Americans who collect nazi paraphernalia are nazis too.

Wild theory, but hear me out:

Easier for the weird murders to get attention, since they aren’t going to get lost in the constant stream of dead bodies that America’s murder rate provides.

I find it sad but possibly telling that so many of the dedications here are from former Kotaku staff. They’ve really bled you guys out slowly, haven’t they.

You know, I try to see both sides of an argument whenever I can, but as Mr. Plunkett said in his comment, Activision can get absolutely fucked, and I don’t give a god damn what you say about “nothing’s gonna change blah blah blah,” I want their company destroyed.

They actually murdered someone to make games and get

I want to see a remake of The Iron Giant where he says “Felliniesque” instead of “Superman”

in certain states. (COME on folks, if you’re eligible, schedule a shot now. It’s free and keeps you out of a hospital)

Do not, I repeat do not, base this movie on The Killing Joke.

3400 hour Flight Instructor, here...One hell of a job in my opinion. Bear in mind that this guy is a student pilot, and he only has about 2,000 feet of altitude. Not really much time to pull out a written check list, when you are low, task saturated, and gliding. His primary job is to “fly the airplane”, and maintain