I remember 20 ish years ago, Edmunds had a guy go under cover and work as a salesman at two dealers.
I remember 20 ish years ago, Edmunds had a guy go under cover and work as a salesman at two dealers.
Pic of the pig looks exactly like you'd expect for a racist power-tripping uneducated piece of shit.
So be it. Stand with labour not with corporations.
This was my first thought as well. It seems like negotiating 101 to me. Start with the most unlikely to be accepted proposal and concede from there, giving yourself a lot of room to negotiate the best possible deal.
In the replies to Piscatella’s tweets, many have reacted to the data with anger, skepticism, and shitty jokes.
100% that dude has a sex doll with a DeSantis face stapled on it.
Imagine having a brain and using it to write comments like this.
They’re reporting on the other people losing their minds about it.
He would have been such a good father, right? He’s probably a lot like you. A nothing, worthless, little boy who can’t make anyone happy. You’re not good at anything. Your family hates you. Everyone is so repelled by you that you’ll never know the love of another human being. We all know it would be better if you…
I linked to at least one of the worst offending threads and posted a screenshots of another.
I mean, I dunno, the SS logo is pretty easy to spot and if someone wants to advertise their beliefs like that, you owe it to them to at least give them a glance. IMO.
I wouldn’t call you a sympathizer, but maybe this isn’t a hill to die on. That said, thanks for reading the story. I genuinely appreciate you taking the…
Speak for yourself: I look at a person’s tattoos when I meet them, it’s their tl;dr Cliffs Notes as to who they are. I recently met an extraordinarily cool woman with a photorealistic tattoo of the Grumman produced lunar landing module on her shoulder and it galvanized my attention. You can F’ing bet my attention…
They’re shitting in bags, then throwing them in the bushes. Because the public bathroom is way over there, and totally gross, and the trash can is way over the other, and that’s too far bro.
Eat a snack, guy. Your blood sugar is dangerously low. I hope.
You are more than welcome to let them live where you walk and your kids play. Dodge a few drug needles, walk around broken glass, step in human feces and trip over partially burned trash and let me know if you will still welcome them.
i don’t really have a take on this but i think it’s pretty interesting that all the replies are like “we fixed enough racism this year! stop whining and wait your turn!” like we awarded some asians with an award and now everyone should shut the fuck up forever. start with yourself