
Oh for sure, it’s certainly not the singular reason. We could zoom all the way out to late-stage capitalism and go from there. I know in our area (which is pretty economically lopsided) it’s very service/hospitality heavy but demand for good labor is high so wages are higher and people can go to where they're treated

Well, what sucks is that their employees will still be willing to get kicked in the ass over and over because vidja games! The young ones are too young to make good decisions about their futures and the old guard are shrugging their shoulders saying “but what can I do?!” in the face of what they perceive “real jobs”

For all the best reasons, glad to see you go.

Dont forget the rampant roofing scams that are now getting lawfirms involved and suing the insurance companies.

This shit isn’t funny anymore. We down here on the ground are still dealing with the fucking trump fallout.

That’s usually what the left brings with them to areas they move to.

Not that it makes it any easier, but Boxed Super Famicom games are stupid cheap in places like mom and pop shops in Kyoto. I got a mint boxed Super Mario World and Link to the Past for about $18 each.

Uhhh, the fed IS trying to engineer a recession. They’re trying to put the brakes on the economy, mainly by attempting to get unemployment to rise. Right now major purchases are being driven by “I don’t care if rates are high, I want what I want and I want it now!”

Honestly, if this means that their products are not INSTANTLY snapped up by bots and then auto-listed within seconds on ebay for triple the price... Fine.  Sorry some folks lost their jobs, but they had plenty of opportunity to fix their systems.  Over the years, I was only afforded the opportunity to be a paying

Well, perhaps they can also look into all of the straight up counterfeit products being sold as legitimate brands, and when a customer discovers this and reaches out about it or leaves a review, they’re banned from leaving any reviews permanently because they dared to mention it?

Yup. The marvel movies have become homework.

I only have one concern: humans are inherently lazy when they think no one is watching. It gets a bit sketchy when you hear “trust us, we’ll totally dig these bones up, macerate them, and put them back in. You’ll never even notice they were disturbed!”.

Yeah, it looks like everyone is skating around on ice, and quickly accelerating while doing so...

Susing through his interviews (especially ones in his exhibition catalogs) I have a feeling he has been working on things over the years for release after his death. His disdain for the industry, it’s limitations, and his annoyance about people discussing or fawning or critiques of his work makes me think he’ll

I hope it’s good, we could always use another enjoyable Indy movie. And I hope the time shift works well for what they’re trying to do, rather than have the audience say “Wait! Wait, I want more of the first part!” and then that opens up a whooooole can of worms officially as technology gets better and better and we deal......... with..... the..... speaking...... cadence? 


I can’t wait to see the behind-the-scenes article from Bloomberg for JUDAS...

Have any reputable institutions done any data analysis on tbe breakdown of deaths along registered political lines? Asking for a friend......

Maybe it's because Amazon is filled to the brim with cheap, shitty Chinese knock-offs that make it nearly impossible to find legitimate items you can't get locally? It's a chore to find anything that's not a clone item sold by a thousand letter-salad-named companies...