
Looks like it, and also they put a bunch of assholes in charge of their electricity AND government.  Really fucked themselves pretty good.

Short term band-aid... can we have more reservoirs as part of the infrastructure bill? Put some of them in “red states” to help get Republican votes.

I just hope DAG got paid well for this. He’s a damn national treasure.

You can represent all of the people some of time; you can represent some of the people all of the time; but you can’t represent all of the people all of the time.

I agree with Mackie’s larger point that fans should stop trying to read queer subtext into every close male relationship in film. People have been doing the shipping thing for a long time now in fandom circles, and it’s really not great. When there’s this push to say “oh, Frodo and Sam are definitely gay,” it degrades

I make a seemingly good comment and anticipate lots of likes. Realize a day later when I have no likes that I came upon an article seven months old and it was just randomly retweeted into my timeline. 

Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a

Comment that contradicts author’s post but in a passive-aggressive way to seem edgy, but really I’m just fishing for upvotes and hoping people will respond so I can call them out and spit vitriol at them.

the newly produced nvidia card now have anti-mining tag on them making them less than desirable for that purpose.

Those people would gladly sell out their values for cold hard cash.

So people are willing to give their ID and be limited to one GPU per 30 days, but not to wear a mask to enter Walmart or show proof of vaccination to eat at Applebee’s? Fuckers.

He probably could’ve phrased it better, but I agree with the underlying sentiment 100%. It’s absurd that every male friendship gets distorted into a potential gay relationship, even when there’s no evidence beyond the relationship being just a male friendship. Happens with female friendships, too (see, e.g.,

I was bored of this comment after like, the third word I read someone else write.

The biggest lie of modern capitalism: grow or die.

“You can’t go up forever. Peaking isn’t a bad thing.”

They were hunted to extinction by early hominids because it was well known at the time that eating prehensile nose trunk was a cure for ED.

As someone else said, people can have their viewpoints. We’re also still allowed to criticize them for it.

The only way I can afford a flight to Hawaii is if I win the lottery or inherit a pile of cash. I guess my poor career choices are helping save the planet.

Yeah I really don't think the carbon output of one of us "Poors" saving up and being able to take one big trip each 5-10 years is relevant in the grand scheme of things compared to businessmen that fly 3+ times per month when 90% of what they are doing could be handled remotely. 

Yeah it’s cool that he’s willing to hang up his passport holder now that he has sown his wild oats but some of us never got a turn and now we’re being told we should just stay where we’ve been put. It’s for our own good, really.