
Entrapment is if they encourage/cajole/etc. you into doing something you didn’t want to or weren’t planning to do in the first place, not giving you the (fake) tools needed to do something that you wanted to.

If the slaughter of 20 some young kids at Sandy Hook in Newtown didn’t change gun control in US Amercia then what did this dumbass expect with his plot to blow up the internet?

Yep, being a senator is tough.

How is that relevant? What year do you think it is now?

It’s not the early 2000's anymore you ding dong!

Meanwhile, a judge has ordered Le-Nguyen not to return home

eat the rich!


You know how if you’ve got a friend visiting and you know NYC, you’d steer them away from eating or shopping near Times Square? How it’s really only worth visiting to see it as a whole, but everything there is too generic and tourist-scam-y compared to the surrounding city? And how locals would straight-up mock you

It's definitely one of those things where you follow because you like the people involved and not necessarily what they are doing.

They’re already planning a weekly podcast as well as streaming, also weekly (though unsure of the frequency). Their patreon has exploded, too, so they really don’t have to do much. People love these duders.

Like everyone else, I’m dieing to know the juicy details of Giantbomb and Red Ventures. But now, seeing this new Patreon already at 5,700 backers, with a minimum $5 level to join?? They are near or over $30,000 per month for just the 3 of them. Thats like hitting the lottery. They don't need  Red Ventures or Giantbomb

Worked with all of these guys back at GameSpot. They’re good people, glad this is working out for them.

Giant Bomb is a personality-driven website about video games, primarily featuring video content. They’ve been doing it since before Twitch existed.

I’m here for the baseless speculation by people with intense parasocial relationships.

I get it, it’s tangentially related to things this site would cover because it’s Pokemon related, but do we really have to keep giving this dude mindshare, not just here, but like, in general? The only reason this guy gets to keep doing the dumb shit he gets to do, while getting even richer, is because everyone keeps

Because America treats sports like a religion? 

I'm a college professor, and I think sometimes about the shit that coaches get away with that would get me fired in an instant. Why do we tolerate that sort of abuse in sports?

Y’all ain’t never gettin’ that book.

It’s a meme at this point, and Martin knows it. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised in the least to hear that he got 1/4th of the way into it and said “waitaminute, I’m rich, fuck this...why should I spend so much time and energy on a book a bunch of whiny so-called “fans” are