
I do the 4-10 schedule and it is FANTASTIC. Holy shit having 3 days off always is just so enjoyable and has drastically improved my well-being.  It also helps that I love my job. And just taking an extra day gives me a 4 day mini-vacation? Brilliant.

I also work a 4-day week.

Yup, I imagine Gates was grousing and fussing to Jeffrey Epstein about it... /collar tug

After almost a million dead here in the US, 1 out of every 380-ish people, I still had people drive by and yell “Frauds! Assholes! It’s all a hoax” as we handed out at-home covid tests this morning.

I work a 4-day week here in the US, and I love it to death. While it’s 4 10-hour days, I love my job to death and the longer day let’s me get weird projects done.

His newest book Press Reset is also great.

“Maybe it’ll have detailed instructions on how to rise again and own the North AND the libs!”

Wow, going all-in on a fucking scam, huh? Well, fine go ahead, we’ll be here when the company is weakened enough for someone to attempt another takeover...

He’s not disgruntled, he’s mentally ill.

A very nice bucket, but as with most of the ones I’ve seen the metal flake in the paint is way too big, nothing anywhere near what the actual bucket is painted with. That paint is available for purchase and is a bit tricky to apply but it all comes down to prep.

Geoff is like a Paparazzi. He has built a living in a parasitic/symbiotic relationship with games and game makers.  He can't afford to take a stand on anything. His livelihood literally depends on it. So he'll dance the line that they make him dance.

Haha holy shit, this is awesome!

Possibly because those people see this strata of hopeless, no-fight-left-in-them workers as the last thing holding back a labor revolution in this country.

Very true! I remember how much “side money” I was making back in the day working at CD Warehouse :D

Given the current labor market (In my state unemployment is at a 50 year low), and seeing as how the power really now lies in the hands of the workers.... sounds like Gamestop workers are a bunch of suckers, who put proximity to VidjaGames above all else.  

OMFG this. Yep, first step it to verify that it happened at all or anywhere near how they said it did. 

I dunno, I’ve always subscribed to the notion of “The lazy man works the hardest”. In that they are always trying convoluted way of making things easier or faster. Like if there’s a 10 pound box to move from here to there. They’ll look at it, test it, then start looking for a cart or some kind of device to move it,

I believe I remember hearing he is the son of the mayor, or a councilperson.

Technically, this is the 3rd original Ghostbusters movie in that timeline.

As a hobby I like to make weird stuff and movie props, and I’m about 90% done with my proton pack.  It is incredibly satisfying to look at and wear :D And on the wall it looks like an archaic piece of dead technology, which for me is pretty cool.