
So the guy’s name is “Solly”?

Kid, just wait until you grow up and have real problems to deal with. Enjoy your trivial anger over nothing while you can. Things like a job and a mortgage just might break you at this rate.

Well, when gamers act like spoiled brats and start threatening to kill he and his wife, they aren’t owed anything but a release, whenever it comes.

Valve: “Oopsie! Teehee!”

.... He did it again on a show that aired like 2 days ago...

My entire life, Car Talk was my Saturday morning comfort blanket.

Americans are ALWAYS willing to go into big debt to get what their neighbor has.

I’m finding it really REALLY hard to think of an artist that, after their first album, so quickly jumped up their own ass as Justin Vernon.

Ahhhh, thanks!

Cost is a reason for us as well. Not because we can’t afford it, it’s just not worth it.

Is that just for feature or animated feature also?

It also helps that 90% of CFA staff is pulled directly from local white christian youth groups who are used to being completely subservient to a gross degree.

I love making movie props and studio scale filming models, but man, I flat out do not have the patience for that kind of detail. I’m extremely jealous of his dedication :D

I mean, it’s the Witcher running on the Switch.  If that kind of pulling back on the graphics bothers a person, yeah no shit don’t get it on the Switch.

This was my thought too...  And a nice anchor story for his next book.

Halo 5 was the only Halo game I stopped without finishing and gave a resigned “Meh” to.  Felt weird after all the games I enjoyed.

So, if they get classified as real employees instead of contractors, the companies will have to pay more.

Lastly, people have a tendency to talk big talk about what they’ll buy but not put their money where their mouth is when it comes time to collect it.

I think you might be overestimating how much an angry incel makes working at Bed, Bath & Beyond ;)  Even at $55k that’s twice the amount of an almost full time/full time incel @ $9/hour.

Goddamnit Dauzet, stop posting here and get back to your shitty yard and shitty pile of old shitty cars no one wants!