
I finished BotW recently, I really need to go in and start tinkering around with Stasis and glitches like these. I don’t think I ever went on any crazy stasis rides.

LFL isn’t suing anyone.

Sweet Jesus Jason, PLEASE tell me that some of your sources are gonna come to you and say “No, yeah we crunched like motherfuckers on this game”.

And yet Valve didn’t sue the makers of Counter-Strike, realizing that the mod would help sales of Half-Life.

Well, just run around the internet and complain how unfair things are. This is the same company that has single-handedly pushed back public domain law by years.

Oh, they posed for photos?

Yes. Some other company (a ballsy one) could absolutely point to those other mods and whatnot, and ATTEMPT to make a case that use of the SW IP isn’t being held according to the law.

That IS the precedent. If a company doesn’t defend their IP, the law states that others can then point to their “lack if interest or due diligence” and then take that IP and use it.

Ah jeeeeeez.

I had made my first real friend after moving to a new city. We have been friends for over a year, and recently on a float trip, I guess he felt relaxed enough to suddenly start dropping the N-word.

Apparently Turkey had the place bugged, and have EVERYTHING on audio........ and video.

Also, I think this murder will shine a light on just how utterly weak America is.

That’s cool man! Nice!

Ok, that looks fun!

Is he this generation’s Sammy Davis Jr?  But not in the brave way?

The top paid executive at TellTale made $750,000/year.

HAHA! Look! It’s one of those angry Incels! Shit, a real life incel! Neat!

Something tells me, despite the staff getting the shaft, that the higher-ups are gonna be juuuuuust fine.