Being debt free is overrated.
Being debt free is overrated.
Our two cars had been paid off for years, and It was time to get into something newer.
When We got going that day, I suddenly realized that she understood the mechanics of it, but what wasn’t helping was me constantly saying “Oops... wait..... no.... NO..... Just let your foot off gradually.... wait... ok, that was closer.... just relax...”
It’s about making the choice to apply reason to your circumstances instead of letting emotion get the best of you.
Look, you’re the one that brought anal into it...
If you mean does it taste like you’re drinking a peaty campfire, then YES!
Yeah, I think so too.
MAn, thanks for the tips!
When I taught my wife to drive stick, I thought I was a TOTAL GENIUS when I tried the key to teaching others manual: Empty parking lot, teach THEN GET OUT OF THE CAR.
I’m sure you’ve seen it, but for those who haven’t the Doc on Netflix “The Birth of Sake’” is amazing. And sad. But amazing.
Congrats on the new book! Looking forward to reading it.
You must have seen him on SNL last week....
No, everyone should keep in shape, and take their health seriously.
he could use a nice, tailored suit.
Because that guy is pulling off a helluva Stark. It’d be even better if he got a nice, tailored suit.
Please, show me where in any of the movies or books that the uniforms looked like that, besides scrawled with one hand in your fan livejournal.
Oh, trust me, I know that cosplay is all about what interests a person, and the amount of work that goes into a costume is not tied to how great it is.
Some incredible makeup and fabrication on these cosplays!