I have one. I promise you, even from the factory on day 1 the interior is never dry.
Honda S2000!
Optimus Prime’s kidney stone. Excellent analogy.
You ruined the game. It’s perfect the way you posted.
You know it was kicked off by our very own McMike, right?
So Andy, are you staff or just ones offs like this? in any case, great stuff.
These lift kits have been available through the dealers for a while.....in fact I was offered one when I bought my JKR back in January. The 4" option is new. If you investigate the fine print.....Chrysler can still void your warranty once the "Mopar" lift is installed (they told me it was made by Teraflex but I don't…
Are you sure this doesn't void the warranty? I wouldn't put it past Jeep to sell this stuff and void the warranty at the same time.
Daily drive my 91 Talon. 300hp, 23-28mpg, 180,000 miles on the car. Take the time to do basic maintenance and it’s reliable.
You’d have to be a little insane to do 200mph in any car.
Came here to post DSM. 209MPH
I did 185*. It is the fastest I’ve ever been in a car. 1993 Eclipse GSX.