
After the last election, I’m convinced we’re as dumb as we could ever get.

How does this affect you in ANY way? You like to grind - cool. Other people maybe don’t. What difference if I sit in front of my t.v. holding down the damn button, or I get a rubber band to do it for me?

Or you could complain about the needless grind. People wouldn’t do this if the game was fun to play.

Fuck you for pointing that out. I now have to admit I’d rather have Justing Bieber as the POTUS than Trump.

It’s because Republicans are scum who will say or do anything to get their (and their donor’s) agendas pushed through.

Add me. Sunbro2013.

Are the alpha male douchebags? Because alpha male douchebags cannot admit they are ever wrong. Doubling down on stupid postitions is basically their thing.

Never gonna happen. What you don’t understand is that movies like Texas Chainsaw and Hills Have Eyes are real.

Pff... I’m from Wisconsin - one of the most unfriendly states in the country.

I work from home. Can I come?

Bullshit. We took the same approach with Breitbart. “Don’t engage them. They’re just a bunch of angry trolls. Leave them to their crazy corner of the internet.”

This protest accomplished A LOT. It showed they can be beaten if people fight hard enough.

He’s an old white dude, and Kara is generally opposed to all things old, white, or dude.

We’re not supposed to like him because he’s an old white guy.

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, who gives a fuck?

We can’t expert her to be marching with the people. She’s too busy saving her own face at 45's inauguration.

No big deal.

Yes. I am.

It’s interesting that fascists and other dictators almost always have support of the armed forces. And if they don’t, it’s only because the armed forces are supporting some other dictator instead.

Let’s be real. The government is never doing the work of “The People.”