
This is the way to fight him. We can’t win through the system. We have to use his psychological weaknesses against him. He can’t stand to be mocked. He can’t stand to lose. He can’t stand opposition.

We can do both. Terrible people should always be told they’re terrible people.

I’m not conflicted at all. My kids will not be serving in the military if drafted. Over my dead body.

Yup. Shooting lessons for the whole family, myself included.

As long as people know to stay away from the Evangelicals. They’re notoriously conservative/republican.

Thanks. I’m not licensed as a therapist, and not a vet myself, so I really wouldn’t feel right running a group, but we have a good mental health center in my area that runs a bunch of groups. They could do it, and do a good job of it. I’ll suggest it to them.

Oh my God Thank You! This is a fantastic idea.

Some alternative facts are more equal than other facts.

Are there many groups like that available? Is it through VA, or just vets doing it themselves?

His base don’t care about a “buncha dumb animals.”

Once an abusive douchebag, always an abusive douchebag. You can’t reform that. The best you can hope for is they stop acting out their impulses.

Your analogy of the abusive relationship is spot on. Shit. And those are all the guys to do it too.

Nor is it a valuable thing. Validation from the Jezzies and other elitists like them vanishes with one single post of disagreement with the party line. Waste of time.

I would have agreed with you until recently. But did you know whales are supposed to be super intelligent? And not very harmful to humans?

I read it. So I guess you could say I listened.

No one wants you to appeal to White People. We’re just suggesting maybe don’t immediately attack them for showing up.

No. This is the progressive “elite” here. They don’t want to make real change. They’re in it to feel like they’re better than everyone else. It’s a form of therapy for them, not an avenue for social change.

White woman. She’s fine with POC.

You’re right. Absolutely right. Of course, divisive crap like this is also why we lost. But hey! You get your soap box right? So it’s all worth it.

People like this dude are insufferable. So full of themselves and how great they are. He probably beats his girlfriend behind closed doors.