
When I saw the headline I thought this was going to be an article about his contract.

That’s Adam good joke.

*Derek Jeter pokes head in*

Yeah but then you have to promise to die first.

No wonder Kimbrel can’t get signed. The league thinks he’s 40.

Historically dominant team + NBA’s best offensive player - NBA’s best offensive player = ????????

But no mention of John Elway, who ran for over 3,400 career yards looking like a horse?

Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.

Plus I’m a Virginia Tech fan so I would NEVER mock Michael Vick.

This is the worst thing that I have ever read. +1

I also think it might be this, but as I have received multiple different guesses from people, there is no way to be sure.

I have not, Buddy Copperfield.

I’m not 100% sure what this means, but I think that you are insulting both Jeets and Bryce, so I’m giving it a star anyway.

I’ve always pictured Philip’s house as being pretty similar to Craster’s Keep.

Little-known fact: His first cameo was actually in season 7, episode 6.

The huge difference is that Walter White’s turn happened over the course of the series in a way that was reasonably paced and made far more sense. They planted plenty of seeds for Dany’s turn, but there wasn’t enough time given/work done for them to grow into trees. Instead, the writers basically took a field full of


While you’re doing this, you should also turn on all of your sinks and the hose in the backyard.

I was thinking a romantic comedy about Robert Kraft and his masseuse.
