A poor attempt at anti-humor maybe, but certainly not an attempt to defend that loathsome beast.
A poor attempt at anti-humor maybe, but certainly not an attempt to defend that loathsome beast.
Dirty Laundry is the name of a song by the famous band, The Eagles. There is another National Football League team named the Eagles, but Matt Patricia does not coach that team. You have insulted Matt Patricia while he was coaching for the New England Patriots, a good team. You have also insulted him while he is…
“last season was proof that the Sixers are ready to compete for a[n eastern conference] title right now.”
Nailed it with this headline.
Draymond Green could have a long post-NBA career as an NFL ref.
Grabby too, I bet.
You have a FAR higher opinion of people working in NFL front offices than I do.
Maybe a better way to phrase the question is, by having them aggregate and make public what the general consensus around the league is on players “correct” draft position, do they scare off teams from making picks they otherwise would have made because they are afraid to buck the general consensus.
I often wonder how much McShay/Kiper have impacted NFL history. Their predictions are always fairly close to what actually happens in the draft. Is that because they are really good at predicting and scouting, or because GMs and scouts consider their opinions the “conventional wisdom” and are afraid to stray too far…
The Raptors are probably the best team in the NBA through the first 1/16th of the season
Coen brothers or Quentin Tarantino. Who ya got?
How long you been champing at the bit to make that joke?
Mostly agree with you, but I will turn around on someone I hate almost the second they retire. I hate the Cowboys but I really enjoy Romo now. He’s no longer complicit.
Good point. I, and all other Dol-fans, deserve to be homeless.
I thought his strongest performance was as Lothar in The Rocketeer.
I’m a Dolphins fan (gag) and I honestly didn’t think it was possible to feel this unexcited about a 4-2 team. Set the over/under at 8.5 wins and I will HAPPILY bet my house on the under.
Came here to say this. Of the highlights that could be chosen to demonstrate his competence (and make no mistake, he is awesome), taking a bad shot that he 100% didn’t mean to bank in seems an odd choice.
I live in Virginia, where our winters range from 0-70 degrees. But on those cold days I’m lucky enough to have a heated home.
You are missing very much! Currently, MLB starts in the spring, NHL starts in the fall, and the NBA starts in the fall and ends at the tail end of spring.