
Finally. This company has been horrible to the ozone layer.

I definitely read John ‘Lovitz’ and had a full on mental breakdown for a second there.

I read your comment as Ronan Farrow and Jon Lovitz. Yikes!

ive never been able to fit skinny jeans.... my legs dont fit if i buy the correct waist size... and if i get a waist six sizes to big so my legs fit.. it just looks stupid....

Pumpkin spice lattes are lousy placeholders for when peppermint mocha season arrives.

It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.

Yep. I would like to see the news media give these little shows precisely the attention they deserve; it would look something like this:

Have you tried being a white male? I hear that goes over well in interviews.

True, it is hard to discern the motivations of fictional straw monsters conjured by MRA assholes.

Unpopular opinion, but I think Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks great, especially before she got Mooched. It’s nice to see a woman of size look professional and not dowdy. I’m a woman of size entering a conservative profession and it is hard to make conservative clothes look fashionable when you’re not thin. She’s

“hey if you have anything, anything at all for me that would be great.”

Yeah, that may work out as far as getting a sales lead or two, but these are world leaders. You can’t use pathetic whining to get world leaders to give you everything you want because they feel bad for you, particularly when they’re well aware

He does not know how to negotiate. At all. It’s absurdly (terrifyingly? sublimely?) funny.

Why don’t more guys use their hands when fucking or going down? Every girl I slept with instinctively knew to try this, although some women do prefer just one type of stimulation at a time. But most of the guys I’ve slept with don’t seem to realize it’s possible, or just don’t want to put in the effort. I don’t get it.

There is such a thing as too small or too thin.

I can identify Jeremy Meeks by name now. Not Hot Felon Jeremy Meeks. I see the words Jeremy Meeks and I know who is being referenced.

Wow, he sounds just’s almost like he’s an older white Trump supporter’s idealized version of himself, fantasizing that someone would be so dickmatized that she’d abandon all self-respect and everything she claims she stands for just to sing his praises. But that never happens online.

That map, because it’s not actually based on population, is completely pointless, since large swathes of red in the middle are basically empty, with maybe a couple thousand people per county. This map gives you a much better sense of how that balance actually works; county-by-county, with height of the county showing

You know things have gotten bad when Donald Trump isn’t even the dumbest Donald Trump.

Not to mention he’s probably as dumb as a bag of hammers.

I like to imagine with a face that pretty, his voice is identical to that of Gilbert Gottfried and his sexy times are the things nightmares are made of.