
I mean, I GUESS I’ll watch. But from the headline I assumed it was going to be a Freaky Friday style version of WifeSwap. And the moms have to live in dorm rooms or like tiny crowded apartments in Brooklyn and the daughters have to like do their mom’s job and we all have to feel uncomfortable about them being wifely

Perfectly good joke ruined by parenthesis.

You know, I can handle the being a cat thing but her shitty goth get-up and bad dye job have to go.

Aw, jeez, come on. I identify with sloths, but I’m not Rachel Dolezaling myself into a sloth, the way this chick is into a cat.

Ticket Oak contains multitudes.

Not only is Ticket Exchange a scam, but once you sell your tickets on the NFL’s approved website, you are still responsible for what happens in your seats. We sold our Ravens tickets through it one, and the completely random person who bought them got drunk and kicked out of the stadium. Since the PSL license is ours,

The prosecution will build its case on the word of one informant.

Francesca then closed the show yesterday by listing all the stops on the 7 train and knocking over a Diet Coke

Meanwhile, over on FAN, Mike Francesa spent 22 minutes thinking out loud about what kind of entree Cam Newton would pick for his wedding. “The salmon... maybe the salmon.... but fish, you know.... maybe the poahk?”

can we no longer comment on the photos? cause I got some real snide commentary on that man bun just rarin’ to go

Sometimes, it’s all about presentation, my friend.

Portraying them in watercolor might help you. Watercolors make everything that much more whimsical, less macabre.

he frequently deals with people confusing him for the guy who dabs

I’m always baffled how MRAs view sex as something women control for nefarious purposes, like it’s a physical shiny toy we’re holding just out of their reach. We aren’t hiding something that rightfully belongs to humanity in general; we simply want to control our own bodies.

And that’s not even to mention Frantzen’s work on the discernment of clitori! Now that piece was...what? What do you mean they aren’t the same misogynistic asshole? “Franzen”? Yeah, that’s what I said! Oh. Ohhhhh. Well, are we sure they’re two different people? I mean have we ever seen them in the same room? Cause I

“I tried to lay on him a few times,” said one Broncos rusher after the game. “I tried to rub my nuts on his face.”

And you know that the mother who insists he goes in there is in complete denial about how mature that kid is.

Even if there *were* real ones, doesn’t it seem like the most trashy kind of ghosts would bother to appear for reality show cameras?

A couple of weeks ago, I was at a restaurant that had two single-occupancy bathrooms. One had a women’s sign on it, one a men’s sign. The women’s room was occupied. I stood there for about 10 seconds, and tried the handle on the men’s room. It was unlocked and vacant, so I went in and peed. I don’t understand why