No, honey, it’s about venerating horrible, horrible human beings.
No, honey, it’s about venerating horrible, horrible human beings.
When you read, do you just stick your face against the computer screen and mush all the words together with your eyes, or what
“As the equation explains, a baseball’s backspin gives it the lift it needs to leave the park, but its trajectory and force rely on the batter’s grit, determination, and ability to play the game the right way.”
I’m not sure “Philly fans” and “appreciate” belong in the same sentence.
Gator alum, can confirm I’m wearing jorts underneath my suit pants at work.
I’m just here to talk about “boots guy” on the right of the splash image.
Same here, as a woman. Women especially, I think, are deeply conditioned to think that we should “put in the effort,” and “work things out,” and realizing that I didn’t really have to do that if I didn’t want to was WONDERFUL.
One thing can easily be a sign of more to come, especially considering the context of what that one thing is. I am fully aware that being in a successful relationship means putting up with your partner’s shit, I am married now, but the shit pile can only get so high before it tips over.
I sound like I know what the fuck I want and have no reason to put up with what I don’t like.
One of the most liberating things I learned as a young chap in the world of dating was to discover I could break it off, both verbally and emotionally, with girls at the drop of a hat as soon as I saw something I wasn’t ok with. realize saying it was statistically insignificant works against the point you’re trying to make, right?
Kanye West has always been eccentric- to say the least- but the past week makes me genuinely wonder if he’s having a serious breakdown of some sort.
This afternoon, SB Nation’s Longform vertical published 12,000 words on Daniel Holtzclaw, the former Oklahoma City…
Kanye West.
Nothing like a mug of ice cream.
This is so vapid that I’m actually angry.