She said she felt dizzy when she stood and had to be stretchered out of the hotel.
This is Jesper, a nice and cool cat that lives in Hedmark, Norway.
Only other blondes can tell these ladies apart.
Kelly was more comfortable with her natural fair skin tone.
clover hope uses all the cool slang: woke, bae, curve, shade...i’ve never seen anyone so desperately clinging on to their youth
Will they be offering 2-fer deals where the air travel to the port of call is on board the Hindenberg II?
This makes me feel bad that I copied that “escape” font onto the bag that I hand prisoners (chained to pipes) in my twisted murder dungeon. It holds the saw that they will use for the physical and psychological games I inflict. I loved the idea as sort of an “on the nose” joke and so I copied it onto the bags (because…
That is a doughnut. It’s a yeast-leavened filled doughnut.
Their new-money owner makes the ones mentioned in this article look like Yosemite Sam.
Except Nye’s not saying race doesn’t matter in society nor dismissing the grievances of POC. It’s a STFU to white supremacists.
I believe that flop has been dubbed, “The Paella”, because it is universally panned.
The ACC’s ban on satellite camps has been absolute hell for UNC’s astronomy department.
Your boyfriend is the focus of a “wish” by many Japanese to have “ha-fu” children. That is, biracial children. Ha-fu are imagined (fantasized?) to have all of the best foreign traits, while still maintaining Japanese sensibilities. If he spoke even a word of Japanese, the ladies must have really wanted to cart him off!
Well, I think it depends on which American guys you are in contact with. I was very into certain nerdy/goth subcultures when I was younger, and when you roll in those circles you can be a little scruffier and still get attention.
Spain is SUPER racist. They have neo-Nazis. They are usually one of if not THE worst chanters and throwers of shit at soccer matches. They had to start campaigns to tell people not be so racist.
Forget it, Jake, it’s Columbustown.....
The surprise is not that the turf was so shit, it was that the Panthers didn’t feel right at home on it.
I’m sad Marshawn Lynch is gone, because that means the thickest Oakland accent this side a Mac Dre album is going with him.