
Yes, I was really surprised to see photos of them after I read the original piece. She is cute, and he is... not exactly my cup of tea. Maybe it was just my expectations from the article, but they don’t seem like one is objectively better-looking than the other. That makes their dynamic a bit more suspect for me. I

I guess what I’m saying is that if the frequency of sex is dwindling in a relationship, in my experience it’s usually due to one partner’s sex drive diminishing. If that’s what’s going on with the husband, and he’s blaming the wife, that’s a dick move. bec1217, it sounds like you’re pretty fit and hot and should have

On reading the original essay, I wondered if the husband of the author had a low sex drive, and couldn’t admit it, so it became easier to bounce the problem back on the wife. This dynamic has happened to me in relationships before, where a guy’s libido started to lower, and he had a hard time admitting it to himself.

I agree. I think this dynamic would be a deal-breaker for me. You can see photos of them on the internet, and he is not the Adonis she makes him out to be. The author is clearly very in love with him - which makes him beautiful in her eyes. That he doesn’t have the same feelings about her is sad. She is a perfectly

Whenever I’m in a rough patch in a relationship I find myself half-way wishing that the guy would do something that I could point a finger to and say, “That’s abusive.” That way I would have a definitive reason to end it, rather than wondering if I should “work” more on the relationship. Well, you are unfortunately in

Tapatio has 0 calories per teaspoon. Sriracha has 5. Most legit hot sauces are just chilies, vinegar and salt, maybe some garlic and preservatives - not lots of calories, unless they for some ungodly reason add tons of sugar (Sriracha has a little sugar). Hummus, on the other hand, is fairly calorie dense. It sounds

I used to be one of those people who could eat whatever they want and not gain weight. Many members of my family are like that. When I was younger, I would try to gain weight and couldn’t do it. It sounds like your friend might be the same type of person.