
I was born on November 13. Once I figured it out I instantly regretted trying to figure out my date of conception.

I've heard sugar wax hurts less. I'm not a waxer, though, so take my advice with a big grain of salt. :)

Talcum powder works great too!

Ain't nobody with a greater neckbeard than me.

Yes, but are you growing a neckbeard?

Plain, unflavoured blocks of gelatin or agar agar. Yum.

Like Jessica, Snooki is a shortie. So don't worry. She's gain 20 pounds that looks like 60 pounds and people will be speculating on her UNHEALTHY eating habits and how she's HARMING her poor baby with her DISGUSTING piggy ways.

Let's hope Tyra doesn't hear about it.

L'esprit d'escailer? :)

I hope it was a diagram of conception, complete with penises and arrows.

Still, what a choice to put on a young man. I wouldn't be surprised if refusal on his part would have been met with disapproval.

Or lactose tolerant.

If the dragons return, we'll at least have a Dragonborn to slay them, possibly an elder scroll to cast the head dragon forward into time. With a zombie apocalypse, mankind's only hope will be a former cop and his wandering child.

And why a white chair? Everything just sort of blends together like some chair-dress monstrosity.

I am sure Chris Brown will be a responsible bre- bwahahahahahaha I can't continue.

I was looking up what that stuff is called and I have now learned that some beauty centre in Hungary has a product called "Vernix Caseosa Cream". I don't even want to know.

A prion can cause normally-folded proteins to change their structure. Assuming no mutations in the gene coding the protein, I think the prion that starts it all arises from a misfolded yet stable form. What's really scary is that prions are resistant to proteases, radiation, and heat.

Gonna name my child "Canadianna"

Yes, there are people out there who *still* believe crap like that, even though it's been thoroughly debunked.

Ever hear people talk about how women are programmed to like pink because our female ancestors were always out picking berries? It's basically a synonym for crappy evo-psych research used to justify harmful stereotypes of societal inequalities.