Michael Weinstein

I am a huge fan of Gravity Falls, but it needed to end. They didn’t cancel it, it was Alex Hirsh choice to end it before it started becoming repetitive and started dragging. Much like Over The Garden Wall it was short, sweet, and had a complete story.

or to a doctor for cataract surgery

If Miami won the whole thing I think he might still be sleeping

If only they had gone to Tennessee they could have had 100 tacos instead

This was the Patriots perfect regular season, Tom carried me throughout the year.

Yips>MRSA>Being on The Bucs

S’mores should be #1 and I hope your ancestors are ashamed

Years of losing looks to have taken away their fear of death

TV Developer here

I love you, I love this, and I want more

I’ve been falsely accused of rape which is the shittiest thing in the world, but one thing he does it fully admit it happened and apologized. I think victim blaming in this case is pointless, but you should respect her wishes, if she doesn’t want to press charges then respect it. It’s just good for other girls to hear

1995 Michael Jordan’s sudden retirement

He was quoting a Nick Swardson stand up joke, where his neighbor asked him why he was screaming, he said he played video games, and she thought he was having aggressive gay sex. I forget the album either “Seriously, Who Farted” or “Party”

Kanye: Hold up, imma let you finish, but Giancarlo had the worst fastball to the face of all baseball

they’re doing this weird thing called “their job” if Ted Cruz was elected to the presidency and someone released a tweet on his account of him talking to his doctor saying he’s “45% spaghetti” you you not want the press to ruin the best day of his life by asking him what the fuck that was

why dont we all just shut up and watch porn together like adults

Looks almost dystopian

That just means the game wasnt made for you. I'm sick of the fate of the universe stakes, let me farm my god damn turnips!

that in itself was a great story, EVERYONE KNOWS ITS FUCK NIGHT BRING 3 BUCKETS

I comment all the time in deadspin and screengrabber, please get me out of grey!