Michael Weinstein

Oh sweet summer child

My stream is more the opposite, I’m an energy streamer and stream at night, a lot of people on graveyard shifts watch me to keep themselves awake

If you want to play CoD. The gameplay of Titanfall 2 is unique and fluid as anything I’ve ever played. What Apex is, is a mix between Blackout and OW to squeeze a penny, and it honestly plays like blackout as well, very disappointing.

this is wrong, their portobello melt was the best burger they’ve ever had

Brittany Bowlen is 28 and might one day own an NFL team!? how the fuck do i marry into that shit

Miss me with this commie shit

im also confused about the stance

what people forget is anti-antisemitism isn’t new, its the natural progression of fascism and white nationalism. This isn’t the end all be all, this is a symptom of a disease that is growing

OR.....Ash’s mom kicked Mr. Mime out not wanting Ash to know the truth the moment she found out she was having his child, he was always there but kind of stayed out of their business biding his time to finally reveal himself. Then when he saw his son succeeding in the world of pokemon he came over to presented himself

Roiland and Logic are friends, I’m sure one asked the other to do it and twitch pushed ninja in

On one hand I dont want to stir the pot because who the fuck am I.

ehhhh, technically he was the punchline

bad presidenting, good anime’ing

amendments can have multiple clauses that mean multiple things, 13th outlawed slavery, 14th basically had to clean up all it entailed, including equal citizenship that wont be denied because of racism. So this EO would go against the entire spirit of the amendment.

having a black friend doesn’t mean you’re immune to racism. He recognized Jerusalem as the capitol to appease his christian base. He empowered nazis by calling them fine people when they marched through charlottesville, whenever you empower white nationalist, no matter what they claim to hate, it’ll always come back

only thing you need on a conveyer belt is Jesus

His non-apology was really slimy too

But the real question is do we really KNOW him, if they can prove he did this through DNA then did even his wife REALLY know him

this is a bad take, its dismissive and exactly the fucking problem. She described years of abuse in detail and and his statement basically comes out to “nuh uh!”

Coming from a wealthy family doesn’t make you any less of a monster, ask Robert Durst