
You left out quotes, asterisk and question mark.

Don't tell me my all beef patties are a lie too!

@Clixx13: High fructose corn syrup syndrome.

@MajorGroove: Skip to 1 min 20 secs. Didn't work in the link.

@AlwaysBeenTim: So let's say instead of apologizing the kid told the sports writer to go fuck himself. What would the sports writer's next action be? Either find the kid and fight him or do nothing which is what most NORMAL people do when other people talk shit to them on the internet.

@jturnbow: Then you have crazy people that take things way too seriously and go try to find people in real life. Which is worse?

I wonder how he tracked him down.

@leaverus: What about that XXY female that absolutely dominates you in the bedroom?

@Snes: Your brain may produce something similar or having the same effect but I doubt it's delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.

@Mr_Quackers: I never got a venereal disease and my wallet stolen by marijuana.

Pause at 20 seconds at it looks like he's drinking something else.

All right, you guys ain't working as a team. I'm gonna have to shut down the studio. The only way I'll reopen the studio is if you go up to the Bronx, and get me some breast milk from a Cambodian immigrant.

Shmoocon, what a silly name and a bunch of geeks who must attend...wait what's happening to my computer.... aaaaahhhhhhhhh

@Stupid Flanders: Let's end this with a great Flanders quote from the 1996 episode "Hurricane Neddy" where the town just finished rebuilding the Ned's house but it is of extremely poor quality.