
A free Google OS seems like a good match for the Steambox.

Does time exist for a photon?

In other news, 8 Comcast trunk lines in the Seattle area have spontaneously severed themselves.

Immediately after crossing the border of New Jersey into Pennsylvania on Route 78 you will see two huge firework shops on each side of the highway. They make you sign something saying you promise to take the fireworks out of state. One year, on July 3rd the police set up shop on the border back to Jersey and were

We've been made.

But will I like the way I look? Can you guarantee that?

Meh, my girlfriend looks better in green.

Ken Jennings should replace Trebek.

They hide behind being a "blogger" not a real journalist.

Dalite High Power Fabric plus a short throw projector concealed in the coffee table is the best setup I have discovered.

It's learned to replicate! DESTROY IT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

Hilarious. Made my day.

My girlfriend told me 7 inches was just fine.

Your kids already have a burner cell phone. Always one move ahead...

Damn, dude.

Can you imagine when the kid finds out?

Like how a fast food restaurant will never give you too much food but they always manage to leave part of your order out.

It should come with a carrying case that looks like a breifcase. Ya know so you don't look stupid.

But I am le tired.

If you have custom firmware are you still buying things from the Playstation Store?