
Fine. I’ll say it. Is anyone really surprised Xbox went this route? The writings been on the wall since last gen when Xbox stopped making ACTUAL exclusives and started releasing all of their games on PC and Xbox simultaneously. Ever since that fateful decision, there’s been no point in owning an Xbox. Why would you

ROFL! Xbox laid off a bunch of Acti-Blizz workers. And now, Xbox is putting their exclusives on PlayStation! I almost feel bad for you. Almost.

Hey loser. Team Xbox is STILL losing to all the other consoles. Starfield wasn’t even nominated for GOTY! ROFL! But please, keep overhyping the merger of Acti-Blizz. Watching you xbots desperately try to find ANYTHING to get excited about never stops being hilarious.

No...offset analogs sticks ARE NOT just more ergonomic. Please stop trying to pass off opinions as facts.

Remember when people were trying to say Starfield and Balders Gate 3 were in the same league? Yeah, that turned out to be a lie.

You poor thing. It’s honestly impressive you’re still trying to hype it up. Xbox acquiring ABK did nothing to help Xbox. In case you forgot, Xbox is STILL losing to PS. Facts.

ROFL! That’s it?! That’s your reply? I don’t think showing everyone that you read Kotaku everyday is the accomplishment you seem to think it is. But then again, anyone reading your comments isnt going to mistske you for intelligent so...

Hey loser! I feel sorry for you Xbox fans. Your console is a joke and the fans are upset. MS spent all that money on Bethesda and Xbox STILL has NO good games. I hate to say I told you so but...wait no I don't. I TOLD YOU SO! HA!

ROFL! Wow, this post aged poorly. How many Xbox exclusives are nominated GoTY this year? Go on, I’ll wait. NONE. But oh look, theres a bunch of Playstation Exclusives. Ha!

ROFL! You really do love spending time on Kotaku huh? Unlike us playstation owners who’ve been SWIMMING in great EXCLUSIVES. Horizon is being hailed a truly next-gen experience by ALL the critics, and Gran Turismo 7 is also getting high scores.

Says the butt-hurt loser that spends way too much time playing video games. Seriously, what's it like knowing you wasted money an a console that has no exclusives and always gets the crappies version of multi-player games like Elden Ring. I almost feel bad for you. Almost.

ROFL! Unlike you, i have actual games to play which is why i dont lurk on fail sites like Kotaku. But hey, thanks for admitting to having way too much time on your hands.

ROFL! Someone’s triggered. Nice TIRADE their buddy. Wanna CRY moar? BTW...Playstation just released another banger exclusive in Horizon: Forbidden West. Meanwhile...Xbox has....nothing! Have fun trying to justify WASTING money on an Xbox this gen. Bwahahaha!

If you were “two steps ahead” then I wouldn’t have had to remind you which console has award-winning exclusive games and sells more now would I? Jeez you Xbox fans are delusional.

ROFL! You probably should put more thought into your comments before you post them. Xbox STILL has NO EXCLUSIVES to talk about. Meanwhile Sony has Gran Turismo, Forspoken, Horizon, Ghostwire, etc. The only people embarrassed are the Xbox fans who, once again, got caught trying to overhype something mediocre. Oof.

Since Activision Blizzard hasn’t released a ‘world-class game' in years”

I’m embarrased for you. Go ahead and check the stock prices charts and compare them against the market. Go ahead if you think I’m seriously lying.

AND remind me, which console’s games CONSTANTLY win GOTY? You’re right, games determine which console is better. And as ALWAYS, Sony has award winning exclusives, while all of Xbox games can be played on a PC. Which us why more people buy Playstations as opposed to Xbox. That's how supply and demand works. Try to keep

ROFL! Nice false narrative you’ve got there. Let me spell this out for you...again: MS Gaming is NOT MS. MS Gaming is a division of MS that DOES NOT have full access to the financial resources of Microsoft as a whole.

People want exclusives. That's why PS5s are STILL outselling Xboxes. Might also have something to do with the FACT that you can play all Xbox games on a PC.