
*If it’s anything like the RD it’s based on*, it’s a bit of Jekyll & Hyde: D will feel rather unresponsive, while S/manual will be all twitchy.

From a stop, standing on the pedal in my RD, I’ve noticed nothing resembling torque-steer so this is likely a snipe-hunt.

It’s the last hurrah of the old P3 drivetrain, as all subsequent models will have the Drive-E engines. (T# will no longer designate a turbocharged #-cyl engine) I had another Volvo owner approach me at the gas station, asking if my slightly more ‘mundane’ RD was a P*...

It’s BS like this that makes me want to turn on the voice recorder on my phone “for quality-assurance purposes” when I go in for renewals. Mercifully, the local office seems to either be staffed by reasonable human beings, or I’m just lucky...

Anything involving torque.

I really didn’t find anything redeeming about XM when I had my free 3-month service (and the resulting spam phone calls have since dwindled to roughly once a month.)

Unfortunately, there are those that will not listen to reason...

The world need more cars in (Grabber/Rebel/Yas Marina) Blue

Polestar’s Performance Optimizations wants to take your T6, T5, D5 and D4-powered Volvos to the next level, releasing 140 different variations of optimizations over the coming months.

I could level the same sort of criticisms against the MT 4-banger 94 Ranger I had.

I applaud your choice of Yellow, sir!

No more hiding behind the "there's no demand" for small trucks in the US bullshit. The proliferation of them through the '80s loopholes should show that's not true, and there's still plenty being nursed around today in cities like Los Angeles. There's plenty of people who would love to have a smaller truck or van.

Now, before, you rush down to the comments to give me your opinion, I should mention that I already know what you're thinking, and that is: This is the single stupidest answer I've ever heard. And I understand your line of thought: your parents got you a Volvo, or a Civic, or you mowed lawns for 24 years in order to


Power Steering.

definitely instructions...

That, or a GIANT 'MURCAN FLAG. A pissed-off-looking eagle might do it too...

I'd take that criticism further to cover nearly all modern vehicles. As much as I like my S60RD, you could level the exact same side styling issues against it. Oh look! It's "Another Boring Sedan..."

As I was partway through writing this article, I saw a thread on the Destiny subbreddit titled "Who else feels like taking a break from Destiny until the next expansion?" I've seen that sentiment shared more and more at the various Destiny hubs I frequent, and this particular thread captured the zeitgeist.

*Damn kids, get off my lawn!