My friends and I were doing this last Thursday (8/28) and I was consistently getting any combination of 3 legendary drops (including gems & set-pieces) until around GR level 10.
My friends and I were doing this last Thursday (8/28) and I was consistently getting any combination of 3 legendary drops (including gems & set-pieces) until around GR level 10.
Well, that's a tricky one. Volvo doesn't own Polestar (yet), but I bet the company would love to go bigger by Polestarificating the hell out of the entire Volvo lineup. Volvo themselves are not against the idea, but it seems like they need bit of a push from their buyers in order to commit for speed. The good news is…
Wait, what? We still have a team?!
Surprised? Just as you thought? Discuss!
Drips Oil, Drops Grease Everywhere?
I still have mine in silver, with 2 wavebird controllers, 2 wired controllers, broadband connector, component cable, a silver SP (for Crystal Chronicles, Wind Waker & Pac Man Vs.), and the travel bag. [I still lament the fact that my PSO save got corrupted.]
Club Nintendo rewards were announced, so now I have Fluidity: Spin Cycle on my 3ds.
Here's one car question/conversation that is not answered by "Miata."
It's an interesting point you've made, but it's very dependent on the parents' car-buying habits. In my parent's case, the driveway has been host to a parade of various used cars: a couple conversion vans, a few minivans, a coupe, a hatchback, a number of small sedans, and of course a wagon ("maroon" Impala…
90% Just need a HUD.
Bah, just wear those reinforced motorcyclist's leathers & a helmet and you're golden! Just tuck your shoulder in and roll off when you get to your stop. Novel transport device + dramatic arrival = >9000 internets!
I think this is the point where every Volvo driver everywhere pipes up, saying, "What, me worry?"
Sure, the system adds a bit of weight, but while you can't have a drink on the road in the winter or during long trips, heated seats are always there to make you feel better.
We got other things instead: a whole day of Nintendo-themed fun and announcements on the Twitch stream, a Smash Bros tournament that pretty much nobody at the show got to watch but that was apparently greatly entertaining for those at home, and a booth full of mostly-new games to try out. It's an unconventional way to…
Bah. I'm not going to let someone else's opinion dictate my interests and purchases...
Actually, blue and black.