After looking at all this old car porn, the question I have seems out-of-place, but why put an X in tape on the headlamps?
After looking at all this old car porn, the question I have seems out-of-place, but why put an X in tape on the headlamps?
That 335i is a 3-series, but it ain't got no 3.5 liter engine.
It seems to me that perhaps you read a bit too much into the process and worked yourself into a froth. Current hardware is *a lot* more forgiving and easier to put together than before (yay for jumperless configuration!) You'd have to physically abuse the parts to get a failure since nearly everything has some sort…
Indeed. Cleveland opened their downtown sports complex in 1994—it's certainly an improvement over the empty old warehouses, storefronts and surface "parking", but it was the furthest thing from a cure-all for the city. It's taken 20 years and numerous other developments/developers to see some progress in…
To be completely honest, I don't think I'd ever be a willing buyer of anything from Government Motors. That aside, it's an Explorer with a different front clip, which is in my opinion still a sight better than anything from you have another person who shares your view.
I've never been to the UK, and I already hate them...
Having come to my '14 S60 R-Design after a Ford and a Mazda, I can't particularly agree, but then the only one that has to buy-in to an opinion is the holder of said-same.
do tell
Same goes for non-bro truck owners, for the same reason.
...but mine's not a box! :P
I test-drove one before I got a Volvo, so I can understand what the fuss is about. It was just too damned small. That, and the clutch was fussier than a Honda...
For the next two to three weeks, we flew everyday, and when we weren't flying or sleeping, we were literally building-up our operating facilities on base from the sand up with the help of RED HORSE.
Those limits changed. 70 on the turnpike since '12, and 70 on "rural" highways since last April.
Ooh. I'll have to remember this if I ever find myself up that way! >:)
I imagine the recent switch to 70mph limits in "rural" areas had something to do with that.
But you get points for the nifty 70mph limits (Ohio only recently figured that one out.) I suppose the difference in insurance policy is why Ohio gets that one additional point.
I blame the interwebs.