Maj. Malfunction

The best news is, no one will ever have to go to Moncton again for any reason.

A wizard is never large, nor is he small. He takes up exactly as many gigabytes as he means to.

“And here we see the vicious predator, Tedcruz Teaparticus, in its natural habitat. Note how it can extend and retract its proboscis at will. This creates a sense of revulsion in its prey, and as the prey experiences reverse peristalsis in response, the Tedcruz Teaparticus at this point moves in for the kill,

Don’t worry, he won’t always have money, and you’ll always have better literacy skills than he does.

Many if not most plot threads can be traced back or connected to a power struggle between Varys and Littlefinger. They’re both pulling a lot of strings.

Well, there’s “jokes” and then there’s “humor” and the two aren’t always the same. The Dark Knight had a fair amount of dark humor (heh heh) but not a lot of overt jokes.

I remember being really excited for MIB II based on the hilarious trailer, and then realizing that there weren’t any other funny moments in the rest of the film. Sure, there were additional attempts at humor, but none of them landed.

Who has time to read scripts when there’s so much coke to snort and so many hookers to bang? Did you even go to film executive school, Sktroop?

It’s also possible that there was an increase in microcephaly in the areas that Zika is native to, but no one noticed or tracked it because it wasn’t high enough to raise alarm like the South America cases have.

This kind of bullshit not only hurts the people who need those drugs, who suffer the most immediate and obvious harm, but it also feeds into the whole “pharma is evil, don’t trust them on vaccines” strain of the anti-vax crowd.

If you accept that Matt Harvey is basically the baseball equivalent of Ryan Lochte, it all starts to make sense.

Right? This is a guy who never misses a chance to inflate his own status. You’d think he’d be eager for some reflected glory from her success.

I agree with this whole thread. For most uses glass will still be better, but there may be some edge cases where transparent wood is preferable. But I don’t foresee widespread use.

Just to be clear, I have no sympathy for Donald or Pappy Trump if any of this is true. No amount of “trauma” caused by being inferior to women excuses the disgusting bullshite he’s been peddling.

I think Trump’s family history might shed some light on his absolute hatred of successful women:

He didn’t know he was supposed to have thoughts! No one told him!

Donald doesn’t know how to dog whistle, so he just shouts “Hey you, dog! Come here!”

Yeah, for all the pearl-clutching going on among notable right-wing dingbats, a good percentage of the base probably smiled and nodded and said, “Good, now we know that Donald is on our side on this. Death to all the sluts!”

If he’d ever had a job interview in his life, he’d know that being asked and answering uncomfortable questions is part of the process.

“President Trump, North Korea is about to drop a nuke on Japan! What do we do?”