Maj. Malfunction

Oh yeah, I hated Man of Steel, and I’m someone who was willing to forgive a lot of the flaws in Superman Returns and Smallville. I felt like MoS borrowed the character names and a number of the plot beats from classic Superman, but otherwise abandoned all of their intrinsic character traits. And I’m not someone who

Holy crap you’re right on all counts. The Ecks vs. Sever comparison, the Cap=Supes, Tony=Bats analogy. Very well done.

This is why, for the most part, the Marvel films work so well and are so cohesive — character comes before everything else. Almost every plot point is subservient to character consistency. If these people don’t feel real, the whole thing falls apart, and Marvel gets that.

Yeah, if I’m Rick/Michonne/Maggie, I make a rule that Denise doesn’t leave Alexandria without a half-dozen badasses with instructions to get her back home at any cost. I mean, you don’t make her into a prisoner, that would be going too far, but you do try to talk her out of ever going outside and you take every

Lemme guess, Trump’s desire was to teach them to be ladies in public but remain nubile in the bedroom.

Well, what does Nolan know? It’s not like he’d ever rescued a flailing superhero franchise ...

For so few words, there are so many layers of meaning. I wish I had even 1% of his writing ability.

I like how you can still kinda see the smiley face floating in the acetone after the cup is gone.

Where’s the teaser video for the storyboards, or for the scenes that were scripted but not filmed? Also, I want a teaser for the production video where the various cast and crew members each get a turn talking about how much they loved working with each other.

Yeah, and he talks a lot about how much of a Frank Miller fan he is and how he likes to go to Miller’s comics for inspiration.

I wonder how that worked. Nolan tends to have pretty good storytelling instincts, and Snyder’s are terrible. Did Nolan give advice that was just beyond Snyder’s ability to comprehend? I could even see Snyder making a legit effort to try to work in Nolan’s recommendations but not really getting the essence of what they

Even when they are opposed, it’s usually just token opposition, some well-meaning local person with no support trying to at least give voters a choice. And oftentimes the entrenched interests are able to get even that minimal opposition thrown off the ballot through one method or another.

They’re not really pondering any of those scenarios, because what this law really is, is a “Anyone transgendered, get the hell out of North Carolina” law.

I don’t think I’ve ever clicked on a Kardashian story on purpose before, but that headline was too good to ignore.

Sounds to me like you’re feeling empathy for the video maker.

He was fine in American Ultra. Although I think in some ways that script was perfect for turning his weaknesses into strengths.

What’s really sad for the GOP (and hilarious for us) is that this was totally preventable. Back in the fall when Trump was making noises about running as an independent, and they bent over backwards to make sure he wouldn’t, they should’ve instead told him to take a hike.

Interesting, that’s a perspective missing from the article.

And I didn’t even mention he-who-must-not-be-named.

Sorry, I don’t make allowances for stupid. I expect stupid to get smarter.