Maj. Malfunction

JFK: First Catholic president

In the U.S. I believe you have to prove actual intent to harm. If the media outlet can claim that they made a legitimate error, and if they also move quickly to correct the error, they’re usually in the clear.

Good lord, Trump/Hogan makes almost too much sense for it not to happen. That is truly a frightening idea.

True, but if he wants to win in November, he needs to expand his base to include at least some people who don’t want a wackadoo in the White House. He needs to appear “presidential” to some degree. I don’t think he can pull it off.

Because every time one of his businesses tanks, the government allows him to wave a magic wand and pretend he hasn’t accrued any debt. If you and I had that kind of magic wand, we’d probably be billionaires, too.

This is true in many walks of life, especially politics. The good work that makes a company/governmental body/nonprofit succeed often has no link to what helps an individual get ahead. The people who get promoted/elected/etc. are rarely the ones who’ve devoted their time to being qualified for the position – they’re

Exactly. He’s been promising for a while that he’s going to dial back the zaniest parts of his campaign once he clinches the nomination. I doubt that he’s actually capable of such restraint, and this would be a great way to ensure that he doesn’t.

Would be interesting if a series of Democratic leaders and elder statesmen/stateswomen were to take turns trying to get Trump to lose his shit. Shouldn’t be hard. In a couple weeks, have Al Gore take some potshots. After that, Kirsten Gillibrand, Jerry Brown, Howard Dean, Dick Gephardt, Jesse Jackson, Nancy Pelosi,

Haha, yeah, Chicago is probably the most extreme example.

It’s hard to know from the outside if a transit system’s woes are caused by poor funding, incompetence, or both. A few years back, the Chicago-area RTA, which runs the elevated trains in the city, among other things, tried to hire a reformer to run things after the previous guy walked in front of a train to avert a

Agreed, but I was reluctant to make that point on a Gilmore Girls thread for fear that I’d be chased off the Internet.

[unintelligible string of screamed profanities]


Seems like they could at least work in a phone call scene and just have her make a voice appearance. Would be better than nothing and take virtually none of her time.

Sincere question, because I can’t decide: Who’s a bigger star, Bradley Cooper or Melissa McCarthy? They’ve both had big hits and bombs at the box office. About equivalent then?

The Supernatural fandom is in its own way just as intense and passionate as the Gilmore Girls one. Padalecki has been a lucky dude considering he coasts on likability rather than acting skill.

Obviously you’re not the star of the show or the head of the anti-cybercrime team. You must be a wacky sidekick or underappreciated love interest.

While they’re at it, they should sue anyone who consumes their “news,” since doing so would cause the consumer to become aware that their work is garbage.

I try not to be that guy, but this is the one topic where I can’t resist, since 90% of the population seems to misunderstand how impeachment works.

Drew is great, but one thing you can count on — his facts are always wrong.