Maj. Malfunction

Technically, they did impeach him. The House voted to impeach, which is just a fancy term for filing charges, but the Senate voted against conviction.

A better bet would actually be LeBron. He’d drive to the rim and wouldn’t even notice the four kids hanging from his back.

You opened with a cliche, but brought it home with the final sentence. Way to rally in the homestretch.

with the media showing relatively little resistance or interest

They’re going to fold him into the Marvel universe and have him take on Hydra.

Given his track record, he may have a number of sons scattered about the globe.

Yeah, most of the stuff that sucked about Crystal Skull was the crap that Lucas insisted on, and Spielberg and Ford got sick of fighting because they really wanted to make a movie, so they gave him his way.

The liability issue is a serious sticking point. Suppose it’s 2030 and a mandatory software patch causes 0.01 percent of all autonomous cars to suddenly veer left when driving above 55 mph. The fault is traced to a single batch of nonconforming chips produced 10 years earlier by a now-defunct supplier. Who bears the

Hey, they do get some things done. Every once in a while they rename a post office.

Andorian or nothing.

It sounds like he’s calculated that eating what he wants and getting to go home early is worth living with the pain.

They’re probably moved to states that have less stringent environmental regulations, such as Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. It’s not surprising that California would be less friendly to them. There are other parts of the west where they basically have carte blanche to operate as they please.

Where do I send my resume to apply for the job that Jeff Miller will soon be vacating?

This is a big problem out west with CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation). These are basically the factory farms that crowd hundreds or even thousands of animals into a single enclosed space. The waste from the animals contains a high amount of nitrates/nitrites.

Lol, Lal.


Apparently we’ve found the line in what is an acceptable level of dumbassery in our media sphere. Videos edited deceptively to show that Planned Parenthood is harvesting baby parts to make mega bucks = acceptable. Letting the world know exactly how in the tank you are for a specific candidate = unacceptable.

Agreed, not at all comparable. My only point was to contrast a metaphorical device used by many on the left, with a literal belief of those on the right.

I’m scared on your behalf. Count me as one white guy willing to stand between you and the brownshirts if it comes to that.

You have a significant percentage of the GOP base believing that Obama is literally the antichrist. Not metaphorically, like Trump=Hitler — they believe that Obama is going to bring about the end of days.