Maj. Malfunction

The thing that scares me about President Trump is the array of possible different outcomes that it presents. We really cannot predict how he’ll be in office.

I have no problem saying that there are a number of issues where Bernie is the superior candidate, especially when it comes to corporate welfare and poverty. He’s made some great points that she has not addressed well. But Hillary has a better track record on minority issues.

Those of us in the U.S. don’t get anything that happens in the U.S. The Scottish independence movement made more sense to us than most of what goes on here.

I wouldn’t eat chicken nuggets with mayo either, and yet most breaded chicken sandwiches come with mayo. I can’t explain why they’re different, but they are.

This gif is now my spirit animal.

Your 4-year-old self had bad taste and missed out on a great film experience.

Bingo. This is why the kooks are so excited by Trump: he’s the candidate they’ve been begging for for years.

When Trump started to look possible a couple months ago, I started trying to find SOMETHING to like about any of the GOP candidates. Is there a topic on which Bush is not terrible? Is there anything to like about Rubio? Maybe it’s not so bad that Carson likes to stab people?

I think the larger point, which Rich might not’ve even been aware that he was making, is that taking any part in this deeply racist society of ours is in effect a racist act, whether we want it to be or not.

This show had built up so much trust with me because of Children of Earth that it took until about episode 6 of Miracle Day before I admitted to myself, “Holy crap, this really isn’t going anywhere, is it?” I didn’t particularly enjoy any of the episodes but I kept watching in the hopes that it was building to

Duke of Wellington, D.C. instead of Washington, D.C.

Good point. Instead of North and South Dakota, they’ll be North and South Camilla! Genius!

I know that person thought that they were writing a nuanced contrarian view ... but they weren’t. My first instinct was to resort to profanity, but I resisted the urge.

What makes it all exceptionally sad, from the Sherman perspective, is that he actually had a great deal of affection for the South, before the war. He really enjoyed being the first president of what became LSU and looked forward to being a mentor to the next generation of young Southern military leaders.

Confederate apologists like to claim that Sherman was some sort of butcher who prevailed only because he was willing to countenance atrocities that so shocked the genteel South that they could muster no response. But the actual record shows that:

I hope they figure out a way to get him to direct some episodes, too. He showed with TWOK that he’s skilled at delivering a compelling adventure on a reasonable budget.

We really need to start naming schools after Benedict Arnold and Lord Cornwallis. It’s the only way to honor our “heritage.”

Hatred of hatred is a force for good in the world. If you can’t understand that you have some learning to do.

If you write a passage that includes the words “slavery was bad, but,” you need to delete all your online accounts, throw all your electronic devices in the garbage, sell your remaining worldly possessions on Craigslist for 50 cents, and go join a monastery.

Lee surrendered because his army was on the verge of being completely obliterated.