Maj. Malfunction

By the standards of the biggest blockbusters, the take from Deadpool was not that impressive. But when you combine that with how cheap it was to make (comparatively) it becomes something that’ll make Hollywood perk up its ears. Even if no one goes to see the movie after today, Fox has already turned a massive profit

Sam crying for his mom was the cliffhanger moment of the midseason finale, staged, filmed and scored as an inflection point from which IMMINENT DISASTER was likely to ensue without radical action by the other characters.

Z Nation has its own serious flaws, but a lot of what makes it good is the way it operates as an ongoing rebuttal of everything that’s wrong with The Walking Dead.

If you’re playing against non-sporties, they’ll insist you made the name up, and then they’ll think you made up the pronunciation.

He was going to miss half of this season because of the 2nd suspension, but yeah, he was due to get a crapload of money.

“Welcome to President Cruz’s Murder Castle — I mean, the White House!”

Here’s where he really blew it: for all of his relatives who are currently younger than 20, he didn’t even venture a guess in 1996 as to what their ages would be today. Weak.

I think in your late 30s you have to keep mentioning your age because a big part of you doesn’t really believe it. I often have to think for a moment now when someone asks my age, and sometimes I’m off by a year. The constant restatement is in part an effort to convince yourself that you’re not 24 anymore.

Not saying he is a nice person. I’m saying that Duerson and Seau beat their wives, among other things, and now they’re seen as innocent victims because of CTE. If we can forgive that, we can certainly forgive Fouts for being a narcissist.

Agreed. Dave Duerson and Junior Seau became terrible people in their later years, and we forgive it because of CTE. But Dan Fouts makes one dumb comment ABOUT the condition and there’s no acknowledgment that there’s a good chance he suffers from it, too.

No, I’m just an idiot who completely failed to make a cogent point. I was trying to argue that white people need to embrace diversity onscreen, but I botched it.

I appreciate your understanding. I’ve been fortunate to know and become close friends with a lot of people who members of classes that are discriminated against, and I feel deeply on their behalf that a diverse society is better society. So I read an article like this and my first thought is, “Why are my fellow white

That was precisely the point I was trying to make, but I failed utterly. What I meant to convey is that white dudes like me need to stop being so narrow-minded about seeing other demographics on TV and in films. I apologize for my offense.

My first instinct was to get defensive, but then I went back and read my comment and realized I totally came off like an arrogant, entitled white boy who doesn’t get what the deal is with all this “diversity” hoopla. Obviously I need to take more care with what I write in the future.


You are right to criticize my post, it was poorly worded, ignorant and ultimately made the opposite point of what I intended. I am deeply sorry.

In my stupidity I failed to make that exact point, that variety is what we should all want. I’m sorry.

You’re completely right, and you’ve made the point that I was trying, and failing, to make. My demographic is way overrepresented, and people in my demo shouldn’t feel threatened by diversity on screen. But I’m an idiot and I botched my point. I’m sorry about that.

Thank you for making my point better than I did. I left too much ambiguity and wound up needlessly offending people.

My post was idiocy. I was trying to see that my particular demographic shouldn’t feel threatened by diversity, but I made the exact opposite point. I’m ashamed and likely won’t be posting much after I make my apologies.