Maj. Malfunction

You are correct, I blew it. I was intending to make the point that people like me don’t need any more representation because we’re already way overrepresented. I completely failed to make my point, and I apologize.

What I should’ve made clear is that someone like me, who has no shortage of cultural examples of people like myself, doesn’t really need anymore. But for anyone in a minority group, where the opposite is true, there’s absolutely a dire need for more representation.

You are correct, and I’m an idiot. I meant to argue in favor of diversity in film and twisted myself into a knot to the point that I made the opposite point. I apologize.

Yeah, I blew it. I was trying to argue in favor of diversity in film and somehow managed to make the opposite point. I’m a moron.

I’m worse than a troll, I’m an idiot who didn’t realize he was trolling. I made the opposite point of what I intended to say.

Ay caramba, I really blew it with my comment. I was trying to say that straight white males (like me) who only want to see themselves on screen are idiots and that diversity in film is awesome. I really, really, really, did not mean to state the opposite. I think I need to take a few days off from commenting to

I’m a hetero white dude. I don’t need to see people who look like me, or are anything like me, to enjoy a TV show or movie. I don’t understand people who do. Heck, one of my favorite films is “Spirited Away” which has a little Japanese girl as a protagonist. That’s about as far away from my personal experience as you

Millions a day! So technically I’m not lazy, I’m just concentrating on the one thing I do best. I’ve never created millions of anything else, that’s for sure.

Never been to Seattle. I think I found them on back when it was full of free mp3's from indie bands. I don’t even know if that site exists anymore. It was a great source for free, legal downloads about 12 years ago. I would spend hours downloading just about everything, then I’d try to find full albums

You ever have that moment where your Spider-sense starts tingling, and you just know that this is the right time to tell the spouse about that pet peeve you’ve been harboring? For this one magical instant in time, you know exactly how to phrase it respectfully, and you know your spouse is in the right frame of mind to

Not only can the Nazi movement arise again, but it will, somewhere. It’s inevitable.

This show has two more chances to make me a fan. I’m watching because it’s on after The X-Files. Once that’s over, I won’t continue unless something hooks me. So far, it’s mildly enjoyable, but no more so than Bones or Castle or the Mentalist or any of the dozen or so other “procedural with a twist” shows that have

I don’t pirate TV shows, but I might have to make an exception for this, since I don’t want to pay for the CBS streaming service for just this one show. Or maybe I’ll wait and buy each episode off iTunes or Amazon the next day.


Correct. The target audience for these videos isn’t going to spend any time or thought verifying them. They just accept them as true.

There are a lot of terms for men like Ben Carson, and how they give cover to racists. The polite version is that they see a black man like him as “one of the good ones,” meaning he knows his place and knows not to indulge too much in black culture or accurate descriptions of the nation’s racist, slave-owning history.

The implications in that story that the father blamed the son really made my blood boil. Some people are not fit for parenthood, or even being around other humans, for that matter.

From that article:

Or “all of them,” whichever number is higher.

The real news here is that some of the competitors somehow managed NOT to die. We need to sequence their DNA so that someday, all of us can eat as many donuts as we like without dying.