Maj. Malfunction

I take it my dumb “Snoke is Luke” theory was too dumb to even bother to debunk it?

Exactly. The loss of this ship could’ve been the MH370 of its day. Maybe in another 200 years someone searching for something else will stumble across a wrecked plane ...

Dang, you’re right, there is still a team in Atlanta. Is Chris Miller still the quarterback?

Chris Tucker.

Which is funny, because something did undeniably go wrong. More than one thing, actually:

Somehow, I ended up with James Earl Jones, which makes no sense, but there you go.

Totally. Or follow the example of Fringe and have entire stretches of episodes set on Earth 2, following Jay’s Flash, with visits from the Earth 1 crew.

Occam’s Razor. There are a lot of dumbshits in the world responsible for a lot of the things that happen.

When you’re a died-in-the-wool toadie, you don’t need explicit instructions to know what your master wants you to say. You live inside the reality your master has built, so describing it to others is super easy.

I got to thinking, if Grant Gustin ever wanted to take a season or half season off from the Flash for a movie shoot or sabbatical or whatnot, they could totally continue the show without interruption or issue with the Jay Garrick or Wally West Flash. There’s nothing in the premise or plot of the show that dictates

That’s an impressive effort by Mincey to try to give a legitimate, meaningful answer without just trashing Hardy. A lot of athletes, celebrities and PR people could learn a few things from this response.

An hour after you left, a Target employee noticed that there was an unusual number of confused-looking customers wandering up and down Aisle 6.

Yeah, I know a 6-year-old, and this is exactly how they talk. It’s the age where they want to be taken seriously.

I accidentally fell into something like this thanks to my bladder. I’d do 15 minutes on the bike, hate every second of it, go pee real quick, then come back and have it be a completely different experience. Now I just accept that I’m going to hate those first 15 minutes. The pee break went from a frustration to a

I’d honestly like to see our premier athletes enhanced with bionics so that they can continue to play when injured. I mean seriously, if you could use technology to repair Peyton Manning and Drew Brees, wouldn’t they continue to be more entertaining than whatever spread option QB is coming out of college in this

12. It’s hard for us reptilians to put on our meat suit in the dark in the morning ... I mean, he probably bumped into a wall. Ignore that first part I said.

Exactly. If you’re going to go ahead and be a complete sexist, at least come up with something catchier than “Shapely Stickup Artist.” It’s not even properly alliterative!

Whitesboro is of course the next town over from Honkeytown, which is adjacent to Crackerville.

Can we call him “The Man in the Suit”?

I highly endorse this idea, and Dredd is a great example. We should compile a master list of good concepts for films/TV shows gone wrong that could be salvaged with remakes.