Maj. Malfunction

And this one didn’t even require the sacrifice of any Bothans, as far as we know.

I believe someone seriously suggested something like that ...

What if you eat it, or snort it, or apply it rectally?

I’m surprised no one tried to tack on an amendment banning funding for Planned Parenthood, or banning all Muslims, or something stupid like that.

And then an orbital air conditioner to reverse global warming!

Finally, some commonsense solutions.

Imagine an America where the current right wing of the Democratic Party (basically, Hillary and her fans) was the actual right wing of our society. That would be fascinating to see. Do you think things would be just as polarized as what we have now?

I do think if there was a candidate who proclaimed his intent to nuke Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan, he’d have a frighteningly large base of support.

Sneak in some really twisty questions: “Do you think Muslims in America should be encouraged to convert to Christianity via tax breaks?”

God, you’re probably right. There’d be protests at the theaters.

I know a lot of Democrats who aren’t really Democrats. By that, I mean they don’t really understand the tenets of liberal ideology, they say things like, “I’m not racist, but ...” and they think the poor deserve to be poor. Maybe they identify as Democrats because so many celebrities do? I dunno.

If the question had been preceded with the line, “President Obama says we should not bomb Agrabah ...” then I expect it’d be 100% of Republicans in favor of bombing.

I guess it depends on whether you have an affinity for the source material? I like the book quite a lot, but it’s not perfect, so I enjoyed the adaptation despite the rather drastic changes. If I hadn’t read the book first, I might’ve given up on the show.

The season got better as it started to make the adults more prominent, specifically John Smith and Childan. The Obergrupenfuhrer is certainly evil, but Sewell is the best actor on the show by a country mile. I liked Tagome, too.

I think it’s more his uncomfortable posture than his appearance that made me see it that way, as if he’d just jumped into the scene.

Looks like the infusion of some sturdy peasant DNA has done the royal family some good.

I’m looking forward to the day when Renner gets fed up with being marginalized and quits, and in a fit of amnesia they recast the role with Ed Norton.

I knew that one was getting away from me, thought I could fix it, got tired of rewriting it and just hit publish so I could be done with it. That’s probably a bad strategy.

Only six different methods merit their own color? We need to be more creative with how we murder our citizens!

Just means we all have to acknowledge her dog as our Lord and Savior.