Maj. Malfunction

For years I thought the same regarding McCoy, but when I recently re-watched the whole series, plus the films, I realized that he is much less important than I had remembered. There are about 6-7 episodes where he’s foregrounded, and another 10-11 where he’s co-equal with Spock, and the rest of the time he’s no more

It was the relationship between Kirk and Spock, the interplay of Shatner and Nimoy, that made it so special. Yin and yang. I think they both knew it, which is part of why they remained friends long after the rest of the cast had decided that Shatner was unbearable.

Sucked may be a little strong, but you’re definitely on the right track. I rarely use mine as a tablet, but there are a couple use cases where I like to take the keyboard off.

According to some, Microsoft only created the Surface because they were frustrated by the poor imagination of their hardware partners. So theoretically this could be a point where they let the Surface line recede a bit.

Every first-grader knows that this is what happens when you accidentally swallow an apple seed.

Yeah, I’m surprised to hear that other teams dislike the Patriots. As a Giants fan, I freaking looooove New England. Keep doing what you’re doing, guys, it works for us.

I adore the LOLNATS tag on the story. It’s like we had a terrible disease for years, and we managed to give it to our most bitter enemy just before we swallowed the last vial of antidote.

I’m complaining to Kellogg’s because I keep accidentally eating my Rice Krispies box, and to Budweiser because I keep trying to drink the bottle. Thinking of hiring a lawyer.

deGrom, Syndergaard, Wheeler, Matz and a free agent veteran is a rotation for 2016 that I could be happy with if it came to that. I’d rather keep Harvey, but I wouldn’t be crushed by his departure like I was when he got hurt two years ago.

Technically, he’s got an argument. If he hadn’t been vaccinated as a child, he might’ve died from a preventable disease, in which case the crime would never have happened.

I’m sure it’s a deliberate failure to understand deriving from a deep-rooted hatred of “the gays.”

I’m trying to figure out why I like this show so much, and it’s hard to say because it actually doesn’t check a lot of boxes for me. I’m not that interested in hackers, drug culture, corporate politics, or idealist anarchists. Yet I thoroughly loved it anyway.

I want this to escalate out of control now. I want NFL security to forcibly prevent Brady from entering the stadium. I want Brady to go rogue and start his own league with all his buddies. I want open warfare in the streets between the Bradyites and the Goodellians.

You’re not going to give yourselves a bat on the back for the mocked-up Gizmodo and io9 screenshots in the finale? Go ahead, we don’t mind.

What’s great is that they’d be named after a body part that most people choose to cut off and discard because it’s functionally useless.

I was not previously aware of him, thank you for pointing him out to me. And I know that my girlfriend watches OITNB, so I expect she’ll be pleased to hear that he’s a good guy.

Hmm, OK, need an NRA acceptable narrative here. Thinking .... thinking ...

It only becomes an issue if he keeps using the name for subsequent kids. And even then it’s just more fodder for jokes, not a real problem.

That’s an important point, because by now she’s basically just a vessel for the entire homophobe movement to pour their hopes and dreams and hate and bile into. Whatever negative outcomes arise from her stance, they’ve already promised to make it right for her. There’s literally no downside for her from being an agent

Thereby explaining why the aliens have never officially revealed themselves. They might be worried that the stupid is contagious.