Maj. Malfunction

This was about 15 years ago, so I honestly don't remember. They did advise me that the radiator would need to be replaced and promised to do it for free, then tried to charge me for it when I brought it in. I believe I won that argument, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

I accidentally did this with a car dealer once. I was so surprised by the price he quoted me that I just stared at him in silence for about 30 seconds, trying to figure out how I'd respond. I guess it made him uncomfortable because he knocked a substantial amount off without me saying another word.


I imagine a modern GM or manager reading this article and breaking down sobbing at the way Reiser's career was handled.

Supposedly the Eagles' "Hotel California" rips off a Jethro Tull song, "We Used to Know." Personally I can't hear it.

1) Most newspaper reporters struggle to spell their own names, let alone get any other spellings correct. The good ones at least give you interesting raw info so that an editor can turn it into something approximating English

This is all the proof I needed that "Hillary Clinton" is, in fact, an artificial construct assembled from stock photos and video. I knew they would slip up eventually!

By what mechanism does a human being with a normal, human-sized mouth, consume that? Or is it intended to be attacked with utensils? And when attacked, does it fight back?

Hasn't the state of CGI progressed to the point where we can create completely computer generated NFL games and then avoid letting human beings have any role in the competition? Put someone actually trustworthy in charge of making sure that everything is within reasonable tolerances and that the outcomes are

Kinda like the old saying, "Quitting smoking is easy! I've quit smoking dozens of times."