
And super duper easy to make!! ... hmm now I want to go make some.

Then make them a different color with a different shape on top?? Like yellow with candied slices of lemon?

And super easy to make!

Super easy to make ( if you disregard the flower) if you want the recipe.

So if I understand her logic then that means she's racist AND a pedophile but only for white kids? Well gee lady, oooooook we're just going to leave you in this room then and lock the door.

Does 'farm to table' mean you go to the farm and kill the cow yourself, skin it, and bring it back home for stew?

Personally, I've always been partial to almond cakes with glaze on top. Yum!

Do you think if we asked really nicely we could have a Vampire Weekend music video with Steve Buscemi getting down and funky while smiling seductively at us?

I really hate how awkward this is. If this is supposed to be on purpose then they should have dialed back the awkwardness a little bit, but if this is 'real' then how hard is it to say something (anything!) and not just stare at someone?

Aaaaw, I love shih-tzus. How anyone could be mean to any animal or other human beings I just don't know.

You know, I didn't think of that. He is known to be an asshole so I could see it starting an argument and now that I think about it, if I was in her place, I probably wouldn't have said anything right away. But you never know, she could be kitten eater. She does look like the type.

But Nicole was right there. If it's true that she would feel awful then shouldn't she have said something then?

And here I thought that the biggest influences in a kids' life are their parents and education.

Now playing

I want to see this movie only if Emma Watson had to recreate this scene.

And funnily enough there are fit issues with the pants. They're way too big.

Oh, I miss having a dog so much. *cries into her cat's fur*

I'd recognize Vincent Kartheiser anywhere. He was one of my first celebrity crushes and, if I remember correctly, the first time I fell in love with him was when he did a really stupid teen movie where he's a cool skateboarding hacker and Patrick Stewart is the terrorist who takes over the school. There's also that

Go completely silver or white and you'll be on trend with the light colored dyed hair trend.